الجمعة، 29 يناير 2016

Sadat lived for peace and died for Pride

                                                        Mohammed Anwar Sadat
Born on December 25, 1918 was assassinated on October 6, 1981
Third President of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the period from September 28, 1970 and until October 6, 1981.
His mother Sudanese of an Egyptian mother called six Albrain from the city of Dongola, whom he married his father when he was working with the British medical team in Sudan, but he lived and grew up in the village of Mit Abu al-Kum, Sadat pointed out that the village did not put mist on his mind, but it was his grandmother and his mother are two Vtantah and Satrta Thus, the two main reason for the formation of his personality. It was Sadat is proud to be accompanied by his grandmother esteemed, that the grandmother that the men were standing to greet her when passers-be despite illiteracy, it was only possess extraordinary wisdom, so that the families who have problems they go to them to take Bnasianha addition to its skill in providing prescription for patients.
Sadat said that his grandmother and his mother were Tgaan his stories unusual before going to sleep, were not traditional stories about the exploits of ancient wars and adventures; they were all heroes contemporaries and their struggle for national independence, like the story of poisoned full of Mustafa by the British, who wanted an end to the struggle against the occupation status Egypt, Anwar Little did not know of is Mustafa Kamel, but learn through repetition that the British are evil and call people, but there was a popular story has affected the depth of a Zahran story that the title of hero Donshway away from the Mit Abu al-Kum three miles, and summarized events in that British soldiers were hunting pigeons in Donshway, and ignited by a stray bullet fire in a double reward wheat, gathered peasants to extinguish the fire, but one of the British soldiers opened fire on them and fled, and in the subsequent battle killed the soldier, and then been arrested many people and form a military council arena, and quickly erected gallows, as some farmers skin was Zahran is the first to hang out, and it was his courage hyper walked to the gallows head held high after that decided to kill one of the assailants on his way.
And it ended with the village committee for the pillows with his father's return from Sudan, where he lost his job there in the wake of the assassination of Lee Stack, and the consequent withdrawal of Egyptian troops from the region. Then the family consisting moved from the father and his wives and three of their children to a small house Bkopri dome Cairo-old was then about six years, was not his life in this small comfortable home where the father's income was very small, and remained Sadat suffering from poverty and the difficult life that could end his secondary education in 1936, in the same year was Nahhas Pasha has been concluded with the British treaty of 1936, and under this treaty allowed the Egyptian army to widen, and so it has been possible to attend the Military Academy, where he was to join them limited to the children of the upper class, and has already been joining the military academy in 1937, and the events that prompted Sadat to politics.
The beginning of his political career ....
Filled the British occupation of Egypt Pal Sadat, also felt alienated from Egypt is governed by the royal family is not an Egyptian, was also feel ashamed that politicians Egyptians are helping to establish the legitimacy of the British occupation, hoped to build revolutionary organizations army expel the British occupation of Egypt, so he to hold meetings with officers in the private military unity his room Bmnaqbad and so in 1938, and was the focus in his talks on the British military mission and her wealth of absolute powers and also the senior military officers of the Egyptians and Ansyakhm blind to what ordered by the British, as this room saw the first meeting between Sadat and all Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Khaled Mohiuddin, although Sadat impressive Gandhi but it was not his idol but the Turkish political warrior Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, where Sadat felt that the only force which they can eject the British from Egypt and change the corrupt system and dealing with corrupt politicians , as Ataturk did in uprooting the former rulers of Turkey.
But how this is achieved is in unity with Manqabad, and in early 1939 chosen by the leadership to get the band signal School signal Maadi is the other group was of them Gamal Abdel Nasser, did not have hope to work with a weapon pointing the newly established in the army, where he was the most important military weapons at that time, and must be for the existence of a large mode of entry, and in the end the band had to deliver a speech on behalf of his colleagues he is prepared, and the meaningful word meaningful addition to his eloquence and his ability in dumped without the help of a lot of paper written, and that is what drew Prince Alai Alexander Fahmi Abu view Saad, a direct and then he was transferred to work in the Signal Corps, was the shift is the opportunity that was Sadat waits to widen his circle through easily connected to all military weapons, the communication in the first limited to the colleagues of arms and people close to it, but soon telecom circle widened after victories "Germans" Hitler in 39, 40, 41 defeats English.
In the meantime been Sadat transfer as an officer signal to Marsa Matrouh, it was the British in the meantime they want from the Egyptian army to support them in their fight with the Germans, but the Egyptian people revolted so, forcing the Maher Prime Minister at the time to declare a spare Egypt the scourge of war also acknowledged Parliament unanimously and therefore were ordered benzene Egyptian officers of Marsa Matrouh and so will take the English and the only defense, and that is what angered the British sought out of every Egyptian officers surrender their weapons before they withdrew from their positions and there were officers revolution was their consensus not to give up their weapons at all, even if This led to fight with the British because such an act is an insult to military, and that is what made the English army responds to Egyptian officers.
In the summer of 1941 Sadat, the first by trying to revolution in Egypt, and seemed naive to plan the revolution it was declared, where she spent that each withdrawing troops from Marsa Matrouh will Taatkabl Mena House Hotel near the pyramids, and actually arrived own Sadat group to the hotel and waited for the others to catch up with them, where he was scheduled to everyone walked to Cairo to take out the British and their assistants from the Egyptians, and after that the group waited in vain Sadat, Sadat saw that the assembly process of a failed revolution did not succeed
After the death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the September 28, 1970 and as vice-president he became president of the Republic. 1971 decisive decision was taken on May 15, the elimination of power centers in Egypt, which knew a revolution patch, and in the same year passed a new constitution for Egypt.
The in 1972 to dispense with nearly 17,000 Russian expert in one week, it was not a strategic error not Egypt costs a lot because the Soviets were a great burden on the Egyptian army, and they were military veterans Soviets and retiring, and had no real military role during the war of attrition at all, and it was the pilots Soviets despite their mission to defend the skies of Egypt Beni Suef airport, but they have failed to fully realize the task, as evidenced by their loss of 6 aircraft (MiG-21) Soviet-led pilots Soviets in the first and last aerial clash occurred between them and the Israeli aircraft, and the fact that many people know that Sadat at the feet of this was to give up the steps of the October War, where Sadat wanted not to victory was attributed to the Soviets.
As well as the most important reasons that made him offers on the move is that the Soviet Union wanted to provide Egypt with weapons provided they do not use it except by order. Where answered them Sadat word: (unfortunately) do not accept the imposition of a decision on Egypt but my decision and the decision of the Egyptian people, and that these Russian experts were already Maiqin Egyptian military operations during the War of Attrition, was the discovery of a number of them spying for Israel already, and the Egyptian officers and soldiers do not speak with them in any details of adenosine monophosphate, or even military training, I have had the presence of these experts just an icon on the Soviet political support and a game no more.
The oldest fateful decision to take him to Egypt, a decision that the war against Israel which began on October 6, 1973 when the army was able to break the Bar-Lev line and crossing the Suez Canal into Egypt led the first military victory over Israel.
Treaty of Peace ...
On November 19, 1977 President made his decision that caused a stir in the world visit to Jerusalem in order to push his hand wheel peace between Israel Msro. He has in 1978 trip to the United States in order to negotiate the land to recover and achieve peace legitimate requirement of every human being, and during this trip was signed the peace agreement at Camp David under the auspices of US President Jimmy Carter. Camp David peace treaty between Egypt and Israel with both US President Jimmy Carter and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was signed. The Convention is a framework for negotiation consists of the first two agreements under the peace agreement individually between Egypt and Israel especially the principles of universal Arab Peace in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights and second.
The first agreement was ended with the signing of the Egyptian - Israeli peace treaty of 1979, which Israel has worked to their impact on the occupied Egyptian territory returned to Egypt.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and on their tireless efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.
Was assassinated on October 6, 1981
After 31 days of the Declaration of detention decisions, was assassinated in a military parade was held on the occasion of the anniversary of the October war, and the assassination Khaled Islambouli and Hussein Abbas and Atta Tayel and Abdel Hamid Abdel peacekeepers of the Organization of the Islamic Jihad, which was strongly opposed to the peace agreement with Israel, where they opened fire on President Sadat, which led to a gunshot wound in the neck and a bullet in his chest and a bullet in his heart which led to his death and came Sadat's assassination a few months after the killing of Marshal Ahmad Badawi and some military leaders in a plane crash the helicopter is very vague, opening the door doubts about the existence of a conspiracy

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