السبت، 30 يناير 2016

The leader of the Arab nation

                                                                 Gamal Abdel Nasser

Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein (January 15, 1918 - September 28, 1970). Egypt is the second heads. He took over from in 1956, to his death in 1970. It is one of the leaders of the revolution July 23, 1952, which overthrew King Farouk (last ruler of the family of Muhammad Ali), which served as deputy prime minister in the new government. Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power by putting Mohammed Najib (then President) under house arrest, after growing differences between Najib and the Revolutionary Command Council, and became prime minister and then the presidency referendum on June 24, 1956.
Abdel Nasser led the neutral policies during the Cold War to strained relations with Western powers, which withdrew its funding High Dam, Nasser, who was planning to build. It reported that Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company in 1956, and met so well received in Egypt and the Arab world. Thus, the Britain, France, Israel occupied the Sinai, but they withdrew amid international pressure, it has reinforced that position Abdel Nasser political significantly. Since then, Nasser's popularity in the region has grown significantly, and increased calls for Arab unity under his leadership, and check that the formation of the United Arab Republic with Syria (1958 to 1961).
In 1962, Abdel Nasser began a series of decisions and socialist modernization reforms in Egypt. In spite of the setbacks suffered by the cause of Arab nationalism, by the year 1963, he arrived supporters of Abdel Nasser to power in several Arab countries. He participated in the Yemeni civil war at this time. Nasser introduced a new constitution in 1964, the same year in which he became president of the Movement of Non-Aligned International. Nasser second term began in March 1965 after he was elected without opposition. This was followed by the defeat of Israel from Egypt in the Six-Day War in 1967. Abdel Nasser resigned from all his political posts because of this defeat, but he retracted his resignation after mass demonstrations demanding his return to the presidency. Between 1967 and 1968, he became Abdel Nasser himself prime minister in addition to his post as president of the Republic. It launched a war of attrition to recover lost territory in the 1967 war and began the process of depoliticizing the army and issued a set of liberal political reforms.
After the conclusion of the Arab League summit in 1970, Nasser suffered a heart attack and died. The funeral of his funeral in Cairo, more than five million people. He considers his supporters at the present time a symbol of dignity and unity of Arab efforts and anti-imperialist. While he describes his opponents Palmstbd, and criticize his government's violations of human rights. Abdel Nasser subjected to several assassination attempts on his life, which included an assassination attempt attributed to one of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group has denied their relationship to the incident. Nasser then ordered a security crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. Nasser historians describe as one of the prominent political figures in the modern history of the Middle East in the twentieth century.

Waiting for your comments
thank you
Moataz Torky

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