الجمعة، 29 يناير 2016

Caliph great reformer Omar bin Abdul Aziz

Abu Hafs Omar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin al-Qurashi Umayyad rule (61 e \ 681 m - 101 e \ 720 m), is the eighth Umayyad caliphs. Year 61 AH born in Medina, and he grew up at his maternal uncles from Al Omar ibn al-Khattab, Vtother their companions and community in the city, and was a great demand for the application of science. In the year 87 AH, and above Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik on the Emirate of Medina, then join the mandate Taif his 91 years, he became ruler of all of the Hijaz, and then isolate them and go to Damascus. When he took Suleiman bin Abdul Malik succession proximity and make it a minister and an adviser to him, then made him his heir, when Solomon died in 99 AH took Omar succession.
Marked by a succession of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, a number of features, including: the Justice and Equality, stated grievances that were the predecessors of the Umayyad may have committed, and the isolation of all the governors oppressors and punished, as re-work Shura, so several more of the fifth scientists Caliphs, as interested in science legitimacy and ordered the codification of the Hadith. Omar succession lasted two years and five months and four days, even poisoned killed in 101 AH, Vetoly bin Abdul King over the succession after him

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