الجمعة، 29 يناير 2016

The importance of the Arabic language

                                                                     Arabic Language
 Arabic is one of the most common languages ​​in the world, the language of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as well as the sacred language spoken daily about five hundred million people, and called the language of daad, for lack of daad character in another language, and characterized by the Arabic language splendor and beauty and strength which could not the world's languages ​​keep up because of minute Turnimitha, and distributed the exits of the letters from the lips to the top of the throat to form a strong and broad voice hymn, and the number of Arabic language characters Twenty-eight characters to be of less world languages ​​letters, and held celebrations of the Arabic language in each year and that in the eighteenth day of January in the day called the World Day of the Arabic language, has been adopted by the United Nations to be one of the six official languages ​​in the world, and the most important characteristic of Arabic and Persian language as written from right to left, unlike all the world's languages .
                                                 Importance of the Arab Language
Reservation entity of the Arab nation and Nbarzz identity, and protected from loss between other nations and other civilizations. Many of the slides in the world gathered, they are cognitively Forum and mutually between people on different cognitive levels. Used as a study in various disciplines, science and knowledge, many of the literary disciplines, they are taught in Islamic countries, and a number of African countries. Speaking in classical Arabic affects the mind, manners, and religion, it develops the mind and lead to absorb things, and is therefore working on the elevation of creation, adhering to the religion because of the understanding of the law by the Arabic language. Advantage of the Arabic language in the modern feature of brevity, can any of the Arabic language through the delivery of information that you want to, or knowledge, is simple, without the need to dive into the complex things. Arabic language is considered an important reference for many of the world's languages, some languages ​​derived words and letters and numbers, and found many of the Arabic words in Turkic languages, Persian, Kurdish, and Amazigh, and the Malaysian, Indonesian, Albanian, and Urdu, and Maltese, Spanish, Sicilian. The task of the Arabic language in the knowledge of other sciences such as translation as a translation of works in the human needs in life things Vtorgomt books from Arabic into other languages ​​and vice versa, and that lead to the exchange of different cultures between each other. Arab scientists pride in their own language has reached that they preferred Ahtamoa in Arabic that Amdhawwa Persian language, and this introduces us how love Arab scholars of the Arabic language, because it is more eloquence languages.

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