الأحد، 31 يناير 2016

Poet Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Qabbani

Breeding hair with Arabs breeding, and has become an integral part of the Arab culture part, around the world as a whole, and stayed Arab ambition in all areas of life to get a chance to display his talent, so that in football there was a market, specially found for these poets, it aims completely. To give an opportunity for poets to present their ideas, opinions, and poetry, and this is the only opportunity available to individuals, and even the sultans, they approximate the poets alongside them, even sing them basically, and Atrbun their words, and their intelligence, and so on, and then connect to us by the hair after it reached its Moasil , began the transition from civilization to civilization, until we have become a modern poetry, which hail it in the form of songs in all areas of social life in our lives today, and our conversation today will turn on the Lebanese poet known, important owner, and luster, and words parity, brilliant, is a poet Nizar Qabbani , no wonder Hann say that the flags of the modern Arabic poetry, which is sung in all areas of life, it did not leave an area where the poems did not organize, and all of his poems reflect a great talent, and discernment in the choice of words and performance, and others.
Poet Nizar Qabbani
Is one of the poets of the modern era, had a resonance in the Arab poetry, managed throughout his career that excels in this area and to submit his hair visible, in the form of environmental conditions, and life, which leaves room for a cat, he was racing the wonderful words, beautiful and meanings, did not leave a title but won it, and was able to prove himself, a poet of poets who deserve trust, deserve respect, and importance. The title of poet Nizar Qabbani poet woman, and a poet of virginity, he did not leave a place in the mirror, only sung by between words, so that some find in his words some of the pornography, and this is what ills Qabbani, deep love for women, and his desire that makes it look look glamorous, unwanted at all times, it is sung Bamufatn, and feet, hair, and did not leave anything but mentioned it in his hair. Poet and was able to acquire many of the artists to describe, among them the artist Kazem El Saher, we find that often in songs Iraqi artist is predominantly from the Lebanese poetry, and this is what he said to the hair and the poet and artist, Both of them benefited from the other, and was able to achieve remarkable Ntaija, poetry igloo, which is sung by artists of interest was, and unlike the rest of the popular poems, do not forget that he is a great poet, made his way from an early age and stayed on this case, even God Farahmp God passed away.

Definition Ibn Khaldun

Ibn Khaldun aware of the time ripe to the glories of the old leadership and the Arabs were not pure coincidence, or a bird that came from afar Aivaha pregnant and delivered in the Arabian Peninsula! This is what any early or cultured few can know-how science Adarkh Once you go into the evolution of the Arabs in the past and their predecessors for other nations, and that Arabs and Omjadhm remembers and scholars only Evgazz name Ibn Khaldun to memory; because of luck and a multitude of those who received the honor of the flag and leadership in that time . Not accommodate thousands of books and literature references that contain what Euclid Arab scholars, and can not be any way to restrict the exploits of these bones in just a few words. So I will try in my article simplified reincarnation of the way they looked and closer to their time to shed light on the bright scientific aspect which contributed to him this world Galilee, Hadrami Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun world were his contributions in several sciences, in education has a long tradition in which he elaborated, but left a mark Human still draws which was written by several centuries, and perhaps the most important thing himself by Ibn Khaldun is a division of science in terms of what they are into two parts, explaining it in simple rule that the science on the whole is divided into mental science, transferred, and along the lines of this division came division contemporary science and categorized as either science or ethics.
His writings
I wrote Ibn Khaldun in many of the sciences, such as economics, philosophy, but it was more science that spoke where is the meeting were his theories own in sociology and is the Ibn Khaldun is the founder of the Urban meeting, a method that says that social phenomena are linked other. Place has no room to talk in details of his life, and what he had endured between the walls of the prison governors and princes of the Maghreb at the time, but short, the suffering and success synonymous, where they exist suffering find people creators and the Ibn Khaldun, was not satisfied to live without ambition and dreams that are as long as Saorth from an early age, grew up on what goodness gracious him and his father, a lover of science is not pleased Don not even be Kaawam people, and that is the only explanation for leaving his job holding by the badge, a correspondent for the governors and judges on behalf of the Emir of Tunisia, prompting him to search for the same, was what he wanted after painstaking effort He dearly deserved to be immortalized forever and ever mentioned. Vstr shares a unique note of the change in the human construction in the world and will remain so generously by the impact of talent that the world illuminate the universe as long as the minimum life. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332- 1406) 74 years in pathos inherent in science and scientists. So much need them and what they are today. Could we sought their way and borrow their tracks?!

Saad Zaghloul Pasha, commander of the revolution in 1919

Saad Zaghloul
Our topic in this article about the Egyptian leader, fought a revolution against the British occupation, and has them receipts and tours of the revolution, deportation, back, fight, served as prime minister, and then took over the position of Chairman of the National Assembly, one of the most prominent Egyptian leaders, and the owner of the 1919 revolution against British, he leader Saad Zaghloul Pasha
Saad Zaghloul was born in a province of Kafr el-Sheikh village, different words in determining the date of his birth is strongly varied, some of them say that he was born in July of 1857, and others say he was born in July 1858, that while he found the right date of birth certificates registered in June 1860. Saad Zaghloul and his brothers grew up orphans after the death of their father, and had Omar Saad Zaghloul only five years, and this is worth noting that his father was head of the village chieftain in a timely manner.
His life
He finished off Saad Zaghloul was educated in the book, he enrolled at Al-Azhar University, and studied at the hands of senior scientists and heads of activists and revolutionaries, and then was appointed as a facilitator in the internal glasses, and was quickly dismissed them because of his participation in the Orabi Revolution, then worked in the Bar, but in 1883 has been arrested and charged him to participate in a national organization charge known as the «Association revenge.» Then he came out of prison after serving a three-month-old, and dates back to the legal profession again, and then join the Department of Friends of the British, and by Princess Nazli, and the work of the time to learn English, and after he married his wife, Safia daughter of Prime Minister Mustafa Fahmi Pasha, Then he took to learn French, in an attempt to increase its culture, and filled Saad Zaghloul post of prosecutor, then was promoted to chief prosecutor, and then got Baku, then inserted until he became deputy judge, and then in 1897 received a bachelor's degree in law. There was a category called category-Manar, it includes many of the intellectuals, and Alozhreinn, scientists, writers, and social reformers, and had a political wing joined by Saad Zaghloul, and was a co-founder of the Egyptian University, and was defending always the Author Qasim Amin and his writings and his books, especially his famous "women's liberation" and then served as the views of knowledge, and then to Hakanah in 1910. The Saad Zaghloul founded the Egyptian University as well as Muhammad Abduh, and his friend Qasim Amin, as well as Mohamed Farid, has been selected place Ganaklis Palace as its headquarters, was chosen Saad Zaghloul first president of that university, and Saad also contributed to the founding of Al-Ahly in 1907 and took over the presidency in July 18, 1907 CE, this had to be Zaghloul to take advantage of all the energy that he has in order to retrieve a stolen right in his homeland which was lost in the West divisions among themselves

Sultan Saladin

Saladin, a hero not and will not forget history for his great role in the defense of Arabism and Islam. Salahuddin was born in the Iraqi city of Tikrit in 1138 AD. It was the night of his birth, which is the same night in which his family moved from Mosul to Tikrit, where only one year did not spend to move to Baalbek, where his father was appointed by the ruler for 7 years. Then the family of Salah al-Din moved to Damascus and spent his childhood and youth period at the royal court, and learn Salahuddin philosophy, science and sports science and the Quran and hadiths, also trained in weapons and martial arts and grew up in the love of jihad and was a hero Maher in his uncle's Army (lion religion Harikoh) .
 In the period Saladin become the young man at the age of twenty-Egypt was under the rule of the Fatimid state and was in very weak because the Caliph humerus, which was ruled he could not control. There was a struggle between two of the largest princes and two (lion) and (Schauer), where the lion had killed the son (Schauer bin endorser) larger Favre consulted on the run, heading to Damascus to draw on b (the light-Din Mahmoud) Send (Nur al-Din Mahmoud) to Egypt campaign military-led (lion religion Harikoh), accompanied by (Saladin) nephew. This was to take two goals and two right Schauer and query the conditions of Egypt because they were weak in this period. This campaign Fasttaat control of Egypt. Then he took (lion religion Harikoh) the position of the ministry in the last caliphs of the Fatimid era (Add). Harikoh did not remain much until he died two months after he took the job and Saladin.
The end of the Fatimid state
Saladin spent the Fatimid state through peaceful means and that where it is to isolate all the ministers and princes who owe Shia doctrine and replaced them princes and rulers condemn the Sunni doctrine. Then established schools to teach people Fiqh al-Maliki and Shafi'i and Hanafi.
Saladin and the Crusaders
Salah al-Din and found what looked to expand the rule of the Crusaders in the Levant grief and decided to fight them. But this was a difficult but it began. Saladin collect all the young fighters and trained in the art of fighting them and transmit the spirit of jihad and confidence in the victory of God. Then he began to include the surrounding country like Egypt, Damascus, Aleppo, Hama and Baalbek and took this matter of Salah al-Din for at least 10 years. Even unite the Islamic state. And beginning in the fight against the crusaders and their expulsion from the country and defeated them in the battle of Hittin in 1187. Then trapped in Jerusalem underwent a strict siege even kings and rulers have surrendered and entered Saladin Jerusalem.

The biggest Eid in Islam

Eid al-Adha is a Eid when Muslims (and the other for Eid al-Fitr), falls on 10 November after a pause the day of Arafah, the position in which the Muslim pilgrims stand for the performance of the most important rituals of Hajj, and ends on 13 November. This holiday is also considered the memory of the story of Abraham when to sacrifice his son Ismail wanted to meet the order of God so the Muslims approached to God on this day to sacrifice one of the cattle (sheep, or cow, or camel) and the distribution of sacrifice meat to relatives and the poor and members of his household, hence the named Eid al-Adha.
And a religiously four days unlike the Eid al-Fitr, which a one-day; Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi in his Sunan that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and gave the city and their days playing two «The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him" God Almighty them better each day may Obdlkm Fitr and Eid al-Adha "», and also Al-Tirmidhi in his Sunan «that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:" the day of Arafah and the Day of Sacrifice and the days of al our festival the people of Islam, which are the days of eating and drinking "», it is this talk concludes that the feast days on the mushroom and Day to become, but suffered Balodhy Tashreeq three days, it becomes a four-days, so the majority of scholars are prevented fasting these days voluntarily or spend or vow, and they see the invalidity of fasting If it had happened in these days.

Hajj in Islam

Hajj in Islam is a pilgrimage of Muslims to the holy city of Mecca in a dedicated season of every year, and has a certain ritual called the Hajj, which is the duty of the once in a lifetime for every adult is capable of Almuslimn.oho the Five Pillars of Islam, because the Prophet Muhammad: «Islam is built on the five: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying the zakat, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House he has the means », pilgrimage individual duty for every Muslim adult unable said in the Qur'an: and authorized in people pilgrimage unto thee men and the every lean come from every deep ravine Hajj begins in the eighth month of the argument that the Haj ihraam of the Prayer Pilgrimage specific, then go to Mecca to perform the Tour de come, then go to Mina to spend the day perfusion then go to 'Arafah to spend the day of Arafah, then Haj ritual aimed at major'Aqabah, and back-Haj to Mecca for the b ifaadah, and then return to Mina to spend the days of al, and back again Haj to Mecca to perform the Tour de farewell and leave the holy places.
Hajj liturgy is by Islam, Muslims believe that rite of God imposed on previous Nations such as Alhanifip followers of the religion of the prophet Abraham, stated in the Qur'an: Taking Buana to Abraham place the house that does not involve me something and purify my house for Taivin and existing and Alrkaa prostration and that the people of Kano performed the days of the Prophet Abraham and beyond, but they have violated some of the rituals of Hajj and invented them, and that when the worship of idols in the Arabian Peninsula pagan appeared at the hands of Amr bin Ha.oukd the Prophet Hajj only once is the farewell pilgrimage in the year 10 AH, and where the Prophet doing the rituals proper pilgrimage, He said: «Take me your rituals», also delivered a famous sermon of the Prophet which completed the rules and the foundations of the Islamic religion.
The imposition of pilgrimage in the ninth year of migration, and the Muslim must perform Hajj once in the old, if the pilgrimage Muslim after that time or times it voluntarily it, Narrated Abu Huraira that the Prophet Muhammad said: «O people, may impose upon you the pilgrimage so do Hajj» . A man from the Companions: "? Do pilgrimage we once every year, O Messenger of Allah?", Remained silent prophet, terrifying man asked twice, the Prophet said: «if I said yes to Ojpt, and what did you», then said: «Leave me to the left you» .hrot pilgrimage five; the first requirement of Islam in the sense that it does not for non-Muslims may perform the rituals of Ahadj.achart second pilgrimage to mind not crazy to recover from his illness. The third condition puberty, Hajj is not obligatory on the boy until he grows. The fourth condition of freedom should not be owned even on pilgrimage Iatq.oma fifth condition possible in the sense that the pilgrimage must for every Muslim person who is able and capable.
Muslims believe that the pilgrimage many spiritual benefits of large preferred, various Islamic sects, the Sunnis and Shiites, Hajj lead in the same way, but Shiites from Sunnis differs in terms of Recommendation to visit the graves of the imams infallible according to Shiite belief, the tombs and graves of the people known as the house, and some companions who Agelounam.

The first Eid for Muslims

The first Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday, in which Muslims celebrate the first day of the month of Shawwal, then followed by the Eid al-Adha in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah. And Eid al-Fitr comes after the fasting month of Ramadan and the first day when Muslims break the fast after the fasting month of full so-called Eid al-Fitr. The first festival mushroom when Muslims celebrated in Islam was in the second year of emigration since the beginning of Ramadan Muslims had fasted in the second year of fasting Ahjrh.oaahram the first day of Eid al-Fitr.
And a legally only one day, begins after sunset the last day of the month of Ramadan and ends with the sunset on the first day of the month of Shawwal, Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi in his Sunan that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and gave the city and their days playing two «The Messenger of Allah God's peace be upon him: "God reward them each day may Obdlkm Fitr and Eid al-Adha Day" », so Saying Eid al-Fitr is actually true because it is only one day. The feast day is a day of joy and pleasure, and the joys of believers in this world and it is thanks to Okhriham Mulahm as God said: Say: thanks to God and His mercy that let is better than Ijmon

blessed month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Calendar comes after a month of Shaaban. This is the month when Muslims distinct from the rest of the Islamic New Year months. It is the month of fasting, the Muslims refrain from food, drink and sexual intercourse with his days as much as possible to stay away from the taboo from dawn until sunset.
Also, for the month of Ramadan, especially in the heritage and history of Muslims stature; because they believe that the revelation began and the first thing that came down from the Koran to the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah - peace be upon him - was in much of the night this month in the year 610 AD, where the Prophet prayed God him in the cave of Hira when he came to the angel Gabriel, and said to him read the name of your Lord who created and this is the first verse that I got out of the Koran, the Koran was revealed from the saved board much of the night one sentence, he put in the house of pride in heaven on the night of Ramadan, then it was Jibril inflicts fragmented in the do's and don'ts and why, in the twenty-three years.

السبت، 30 يناير 2016

The most important waterway in the world

                                                                     Suez Canal

Suez Canal is a waterway artificial duplication traffic in Egypt, with a length of 193 km and up between Bahrain white, red and divided longitudinally into two sections north and south of time Lakes, and incidental to the two-lane in most parts to allow the passage of ships in two directions at the same time between both Europe and Asia, The fastest sea lane between the two continents and provide about 15 days on average from the time of the trip via the Cape of Good Hope.
The idea of ​​the establishment of the channel with the arrival of the French campaign on Egypt in 1798, and the thought of Napoleon in the incision channel, but the idea failed, and in 1854 was able to de Lesseps persuade the Khedive Said project and got the Porte approval, which the Khedive Saeed hereby grant the French company a concession for a period of 99 year. Construction of the canal took 10 years (1859-1869) and contributed to the drilling nearly a million Egyptian workers process, of whom died more than 120 thousand during the drilling process, following hunger, thirst, epidemics and ill-treatment. Canal was opened in 1869 in a solemn ceremony and a huge budget. In 1905 the French company tried to extend the franchise an additional 50 years, however, it failed again later. In July 1956, President Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, which caused Britain and France with the participation of Israel's declaration of war on Egypt within the tripartite aggression which ended their withdrawal.
1967 caused the closure of the Suez Canal for more than 8 years, until President Sadat re-opened in June 1975 and has seen the channel then attempts to expand it began in 1980, as well as converted to the idea of ​​logistics services area. On August 6, 2015 was the opening of a parallel channel current navigational the Lamar project 72 km, to enable ships and tankers from crossing the Channel in both directions at the same time length, and to avoid the current problems of the stopped convoy north for more than 11 hours in the Bitter Lakes region, and reduce the time to cross the trip channel in general, which contributes to increase current revenues of the Suez Canal Guenah.tad one of the most important marine sewage in the world, where the channel revenues in the fiscal year (2014 - 2015) about 39 billion Egyptian pounds. And pass through the channel between 8% to 12% of the volume of world trade

Electronic shopping

E-Marketing (in English: Internet marketing): also known as digital marketing (in English: e-marketing) or network marketing (in English: web marketing) or Digital Marketing, includes all methods and practices relevant to the world of marketing network (the Internet): Contact over the Internet, and improve e-commerce.
Advantages and disadvantages
Mail marketing techniques allow the development of the relationship with customers to a level not reached before: the continuous interaction is now available. But received some resistance from some customers considering this type of intrusive marketing, or vice versa for negative subjective. However, the use of voluntary reporting techniques, such as the features of interest is growing acceptance among users, especially those who frequent them on a commercial site. E-marketing is used to get clients to achieve the maximum benefit for sale on the site and what profit and customer loyalty. The use of modern means while under a legal requirement, which requires the webmaster leave that in accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (Article 34), for users the right to access, correct, modify and delete data. And all matters relating to such personal data, or to exercise their rights under the Data Protection Act, users should also be able to discover a way to contact the site administrator. On the grounds that the online environment has now become widespread, as well as the view of the technical development and increase browsing speed is easy access to any information pertaining to a product or service on this network, as it was possible to acquire that item and get them in the time of a brief to be able to do so any marketer of promoting Slath and sold, overtaking the territorial boundaries of his whereabouts and enters Bslath global limits to ensure that at least Rawajaokther for that good or service. In short, to make e-marketing to get the product or service possible without being restricted by time or place. Contributes to e-marketing in the open field in front of everyone for their goods or marketing expertise without distinction between a giant company with a capital-intensive and among ordinary individual small Ooacharkh limited resources. Features and methods of e-marketing at cost Almnhvdh and the ease with mechanisms of implementation compared to traditional marketing mechanisms will not forget of course the possibility of conditioning design Online Shop and publicity expenses and publicity free of charge material Oubmkabl according to specified his budget while it seems difficult to apply such mechanisms on the traditional business activity. Through the use of software technologies associated with environment-mail marketing and operations of publicity in this digital environment can simply evaluate and measure the success of any advertising campaign and identify the strengths and weaknesses which can also be Togeroo determine the geographical distribution of the segments of the landing of these campaigns and other goals and that looks difficult to achieve when using traditional means.
Types of e-marketing
Electronic shopping has become of the most important necessities in life institutions and factories and businesses in our community and global communities, Hundreds of millions have become access the Internet every day from all over the world, and this sense only online turned into a great marketing channel and become e-marketing best tools used to open markets new companies so we are taking advantage of that opportunity and turn the Internet into an open market, whether local or international diverse audience to promote goods and services, and achieve the goals of businessmen and companies from e-marketing plans to achieve the highest return of profits.
E-marketing through free advertising sites on the Internet
E-marketing through general and specialized forums.
E-marketing through the evidence and indexes websites .
E-marketing through the pages of the site.
E-marketing through social networking sites .
E-marketing through videos sites .
E-marketing by advertising at the click search engines.
eMarketing throughout clicking onto advertisements in the social websites .
Mail, e-mail marketing campaigns
E-marketing Balbnrat through paid advertising sites.
E-marketing through blogging.
E-marketing media in magazines and newspapers.

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Moataz Torky

30 years in the presidency .... Mubarak


Mr. Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and his fame Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928) [the fourth President of the Arab Republic of Egypt from October 14, 1981, until he stepped down in February 11, 2011.
He joined the Military Academy, and received a Bachelor of Military Sciences in February 1949, then offered to attend college air and graduated in 1950, he lives in military positions until he reached the post of Chief of Staff of the Air Force war, then commander of the Air Force in April 1972 AD, and led the Egyptian Air Force during October 1973 war, and in 1975 chosen by Mohamed Anwar Sadat, Vice-President of the Republic, and after the assassination of Sadat in 1981 he was elected as president of the republic after a referendum, the period of his rule (until stepping down in 2011) fourth-longest reign in the Arab region - who are alive Life is, after Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, Sultan of Oman and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the longest among the kings and heads of Egypt since Muhammad Ali Pasha.
He knew his ground support for peaceful negotiations, the Palestinian - Israeli, in addition to his role in the second Gulf War, and stepped down from power on January 25 after the outbreak of revolution in February 11, 2011.
Presented to the public trial on charges of killing demonstrators in the revolution 25 Enyer.oukd like - as the first Arab leader to be tried earlier this Trivh- in a civilian court in August 3, 2011, and sentenced him to life imprisonment on Saturday, June 2nd 2012, was released from all the issues attributed the misdemeanor court and sentenced to release him after the expiry of remand period on August 21 2013.autamt acquitted in November 29, 2014 of all charges against him before the Court of resume Cairo, headed by Judge Mahmoud Kamel Rashidi, except that in the May 9, 2015 he was convicted he and his two sons in the case of failure Presidential Cairo Criminal Court and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 years.

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Moataz Torky

The first president of the Arab Republic of Egypt

                                                  Major General Mohamed Naguib

Major General Staff of war Mohammed Najib (FEB 191 901 - August 28 1984), a political and military Egyptian, the first president of the Republic of Egypt after the termination of the Royal Proclamation of the Republic in the (June 18, 1953), is also the commander of the revolution July 23, 1952 which ended with the removal of King Farouk and his departure for Egypt, He took over as prime minister in Egypt during the period (March 8, 1954 April 18 1954), and also served as commanding general of the Egyptian armed forces and minister of war in 1952.
Ould Mohamed Najib Sudan, and joined the Faculty of Gordon then military school where he graduated in 1918, then joined the Royal Guard in 1923. He received his Bachelor of Law in 1927 and was the first officer in the Egyptian army obtained. He earned a postgraduate degree in political economy in 1929 and another in the Graduate Diploma in private law in 1931.
In December 1931 he was promoted to the rank of Alaozbashi (captain) and transferred to the Frontier Corps in 1934 in El-Arish, and then became part of the Commission which oversaw the organization of the Egyptian army in Khartoum after the treaty of 1936, was the Egyptian army magazine founded in 1937 and promoted to the rank Sagh (leading) 6 May 1938. feet Mohamed Naguib resigned after the February 1942 4 incident in which the besieged British tanks King Farouk Palace to force him to re-Mustafa copper to the prime minister, came to resign in protest because he was not able to protect his property, which I swear his oath of allegiance, but officials at the Palace Abdeen thanked him gratefully refused to accept his resignation. Promoted to the rank of District Commissioner (colonel) in June 1944. In that year he was appointed governor of the Sinai regionally, and in 1947 he was responsible for the machine guns in El Arish. And promoted to the rank Alomiralaa (Dean) in 1948.
Participated in the Palestine war of 1948 and was wounded seven times, also conferred the first military star Fouad in recognition of his courage in addition to the rank of Bakoah, and after the war he was appointed Director of the School of officers, known to organize the Free Officers through Sagh Abdel Hakim Amer, On 23 July 1952, the movement carried out the July plan which called the (corrective movement) and ended waiver of King Farouk heir to the throne and leave the country, and in 1953, Najib became the first president of the country after the termination of ownership and proclamation of the Republic.
Announced the principles of the six-revolution, and select agricultural property, but he was at odds with the Revolutionary Command Council officers because of his desire in the army returned to its barracks and the return of civilian parliamentary life, and as a result has submitted his resignation in February, then came back a second time after March crisis, but in the November 14, 1954 forced him Revolutionary Command Council to resign, and put him under house arrest with his family in Zainab Palace agent away from political life and to prevent any visits to him, until 1971, when President Sadat decided to end the house arrest imposed on him, but remained barred from the media appearing until his death on August 28, 1984 .
Despite the political and historical role leading to Mohammed Najib, however, after the overthrow of the presidential withdraw its name from the documents and all records, books and prevent the appearance or the appearance of his name completely over thirty years so I think a lot of the Egyptians that he had died, and it was mentioned in the documents and books that Nasser is the first president of Egypt, and continued this until the late eighties when his name resurfaced again and decorations were returned to his family, and his name was on some facilities, streets, and in 2013 was awarded his family Great Collar of the Nile.

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Moataz Tuorky

The leader of the Arab nation

                                                                 Gamal Abdel Nasser

Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein (January 15, 1918 - September 28, 1970). Egypt is the second heads. He took over from in 1956, to his death in 1970. It is one of the leaders of the revolution July 23, 1952, which overthrew King Farouk (last ruler of the family of Muhammad Ali), which served as deputy prime minister in the new government. Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power by putting Mohammed Najib (then President) under house arrest, after growing differences between Najib and the Revolutionary Command Council, and became prime minister and then the presidency referendum on June 24, 1956.
Abdel Nasser led the neutral policies during the Cold War to strained relations with Western powers, which withdrew its funding High Dam, Nasser, who was planning to build. It reported that Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company in 1956, and met so well received in Egypt and the Arab world. Thus, the Britain, France, Israel occupied the Sinai, but they withdrew amid international pressure, it has reinforced that position Abdel Nasser political significantly. Since then, Nasser's popularity in the region has grown significantly, and increased calls for Arab unity under his leadership, and check that the formation of the United Arab Republic with Syria (1958 to 1961).
In 1962, Abdel Nasser began a series of decisions and socialist modernization reforms in Egypt. In spite of the setbacks suffered by the cause of Arab nationalism, by the year 1963, he arrived supporters of Abdel Nasser to power in several Arab countries. He participated in the Yemeni civil war at this time. Nasser introduced a new constitution in 1964, the same year in which he became president of the Movement of Non-Aligned International. Nasser second term began in March 1965 after he was elected without opposition. This was followed by the defeat of Israel from Egypt in the Six-Day War in 1967. Abdel Nasser resigned from all his political posts because of this defeat, but he retracted his resignation after mass demonstrations demanding his return to the presidency. Between 1967 and 1968, he became Abdel Nasser himself prime minister in addition to his post as president of the Republic. It launched a war of attrition to recover lost territory in the 1967 war and began the process of depoliticizing the army and issued a set of liberal political reforms.
After the conclusion of the Arab League summit in 1970, Nasser suffered a heart attack and died. The funeral of his funeral in Cairo, more than five million people. He considers his supporters at the present time a symbol of dignity and unity of Arab efforts and anti-imperialist. While he describes his opponents Palmstbd, and criticize his government's violations of human rights. Abdel Nasser subjected to several assassination attempts on his life, which included an assassination attempt attributed to one of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group has denied their relationship to the incident. Nasser then ordered a security crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. Nasser historians describe as one of the prominent political figures in the modern history of the Middle East in the twentieth century.

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Moataz Torky

The holy city for Muslims


Mecca is a holy city to Muslims, the Grand Mosque and the Kaaba, which is the kiss of Muslims in their prayers. Located west of Saudi Arabia, away from the Medina, about 400 kilometers in the south-west direction, and the city of Taif around 120 kilometers in the eastern direction, and just 72 kilometers from the city of Jeddah and the Red Sea coast, and the nearest ports it is the Jeddah Islamic Port, the closest international airports He is the King Abdul Aziz International Airport. Mecca is located at the intersection of 25/21 degrees north width, height 49/39 to the east, and this site is considered the most difficult geological formations, Most granite rocks very solid. City of Mecca area of ​​about 850 square kilometers, 88 square kilometers of which are inhabited, and the central region of space surrounding the Holy Mosque about 6 square kilometers, and has a height of Mecca above sea level of about 277 meters.
Was at the beginning a small village located in a dry valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, and then people began to trickle out and stability in the era of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail, and that after leaving the Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hagar and son Ishmael in this arid desert valley, in compliance to the order of God, The survival in the valley until the outbreak of the well of Zamzam, began during that period lifted rules Kaaba at the hands of the prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael.
The number of inhabitants of Mecca, according to statistics in 2010, about 1.675 million people spread over the old and new districts of Mecca. Mecca includes many of the features of the Islamic holy, perhaps most notably the Grand Mosque which is the most sacred places on earth for Muslims because it houses the Kaaba kiss Muslims in prayer, as it is one of the three mosques that pulls the backpacker, according to the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "Do not stretch Backpacker except to three mosques and mosques of the Grand Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque "In addition, Mecca is the intent of the Muslims in the Hajj and Umrah season as it includes areas frequented by Muslims through a Muzdalifah, Mina and Arafat.

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Moataz Torky

The importance of the Nile River

                                                                   The Nile river
Nile River which was named Egypt the gift of the Nile or it did not exist Egyptian state if there is no Nile, The Nile is the grace that enjoyed by nine African countries, is located in the northeastern part of the African continent, and stems from the Lake Victoria, which lies in Ethiopia, and the Nile is the causative The main state to make Egypt such as green paradise surrounded with.
The importance of the Nile River to the ancient Egyptians
 The ancient Egyptians have been able to work on agricultural development, industrial development, engineering, construction, and all this was adopted mainly on the Nile River, which has always attached harvest rate of output on the proportion of flooding in water, and this is the reason why the Pharaohs sanctify and Tnath as the god Hapi, who was giving them tender in perspective Kaabad of the Pharaohs, and they give him the girl of the most beautiful Egyptian girls Izinoha and Ijmloha and threw them in the Nile until flooding and irrigates the whole abundance Delta, and has been this myth prevailed that came the Islamic conquest, and work to reverse these heinous habit that has killed thousands of girls throughout the ages, because Amr ibn al-Aas when they told him this is usually said to them, let's Nchaor Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, and when he arrived the news to Omar bin al-Khattab sent the book to the Amr ibn al-Aas and ordered him threw him into the river, and when he read by Amr Ibn al-Aas which the following was found "of the faithful Omar bin al-Khattab to Neil Egypt, If you are of your own does not take place, though the Almighty one is Agrk We ask the Almighty one that Agrk ", and threw Amr ibn al-Aas message in the Nile before a hostile flooding of the Nile Day and was called that day Cross Day, and equipped with the Egyptians to leave their homes for fear of the wrath of the Nile, bringing the Nile, which is 16 cubits, and since then invalidated the habit that violate Islamic law, and I've Egypt was characterized by abundant agricultural resources, so that the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab request help and relief in Alrmdh; wounding Muslims from hunger and drought in the land of Hijaz, I have sent him Amr ibn al-Aas periods beginning when the caliph and last periods when Amr ibn al-Aas, and this indicates the abundance of the bounties of the land of Egypt because of the Nile River available and agriculture in the basin significantly, but it is generally accepted today that Egypt's share of the river water is no longer enough huge numbers; Because the quota given in the past, which was the Aura in Egypt a few, and now the number of Egyptians exceeded 90 million people, that's not to mention the pollution, littering and washing pots and throw dead animals and waste plants in it, all this make the water unfit for drinking and a nurse, but you will remain the situation as is it?
The Nile is in Ethiopia in young adulthood and flows Bmnsop higher than Egypt at a rate five times that of the flow rate in Egypt, and then walking in the Sudan to be in adulthood, a little less of Ethiopia in the flow, but it reaches Egypt, which in the case of old age, and have proven historical sources The Nile has fallen flow to rate, and that the pyramids were built in the foot on the banks of the river, and now the decline of the river and became the pyramids very far from the river, and this means that it is imperative for the Egyptians to maintain the Nile resource Egypt to remain in the grace does not solve the drought.

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war Pride and dignity

October War is the fourth Arab-Israeli war launched by Egypt and Syria against Israel in 1973. The
war began on Saturday, October 6th, 1973, corresponding to Day 10 of Ramadan 1393 AH surprise attack by the Egyptian army and the Syrian army on the Israeli troops who were stationed in the Sinai and the Golan Heights. And it contributed to the war, some Arab countries, whether militarily or economically.
War known as the October War or the tenth of Ramadan War in Egypt as known in Syria as the October Liberation War either Israel releasing the name of the Yom Kippur War (Hebrew: מלחמת יום כיפור, Milkhmt Yom Kippur).
The Egyptian and Syrian armies desired strategic objectives behind military surprise for Israel, there have been significant achievements in the first days after the war, where Egyptian troops penetrated 20 km east of the Suez Canal, and was able to Syrian troops from entering deep into the Golan Heights up to the Hula Valley and the Sea of ​​Galilee, but came out anti-aircraft missile umbrella for unknown reasons until now it commands the advanced forces to withdraw and retreat came a convertible and without air cover, which enabled the Israeli air force to inflict heavy losses on the retreating troops. In the end of the war the Israeli army Vantash For the Egyptian front was able to open a gap Deversoir and across the West Bank of the channel and hit the siege on the Third Army field but failed to achieve any strategic gains control of both the city of Suez or the destruction of the Third Army. And on the Syrian front was able to reply Syrian troops from the Golan Heights.
Two great nations intervened at that time in the war indirectly where the Soviet Union provided arms Syria and Egypt, while the United States supplied Israel with military equipment. At the end of the war the work of US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as an intermediary between the two sides reached a truce agreement remains in force between Syria and Israel. It changed Egypt and Israel Armistice Agreement a comprehensive peace agreement in the "Camp David" in 1979.
War officially ended with the signing of the disengagement in the May 31, 1974 agreement where Israel agreed to return the city of Quneitra, Syria and the eastern bank of the Suez Canal to Egypt in exchange for removal of the Egyptian and Syrian forces from the ceasefire line and the establishment of a special force for the United Nations to monitor the achievement of the Convention.
Of the most important results of the war to recover full sovereignty over the Suez Canal, and the recovery of all land in the Sinai Peninsula. And the recovery of part of the Syrian Golan Heights, including the city of Kenitra and return to Syrian sovereignty. Other findings legend crash that Israel's army is not invincible and that he would say the military leaders in Israel, and that the war paved the way for the Camp David agreement between Egypt and Israel, which was held in September 1978 following Anwar Sadat's historic initiative in November 1977 and his visit to Jerusalem. War also led to the return of navigation in the Suez Canal in June 1975 m.

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Do you know what is the wine ?

Wine drink contains alcohol which is known scientifically as ethanol, made from various foods such as grapes, barley and others, and includes several processing methods such as fermentation and distillation. And vintage devastating health consequences for the body in the short and long term, and affect the social life of the person, also have serious consequences for the communities.
Some say that a third of wine consumed beverage in the world after water and tea, but this claim even if true, does not mean they are useful or drink something that is good for health. Smoking and tobacco consumption habits also are common, but that does not mean that cigarettes offer the child an hour of his birth to take part in the prevailing habit!
Controversy about the naming
Arabs called alcoholic drinks wine, and that of jackets, because the wine tester mind mustache and obscure the truth with him, which led to thinking the wrong way and driven to do things regret them later was up to the crimes.
Some are called wine spirits name, but toxicity have been sharply criticized, since they give the wine a description may encourage mustache and understand them the feeling that perceives drunk transcends his spirit and motivates him to see things differently, but that mislead and deceive, and he drank alcohol harms the body and mislead insight and blind person judgment on things correct manner.
And it includes the effects of alcohol instantaneous consequences felt by the person-hour drinking, and other late result from the accumulation of the influence of alcohol in his body. As there are consequences for the embryos in the wombs of their mothers, communities and nations.
The health effects of wine on the same person in the short term
The impact on the brain and nerve pathways of communication, which leads to impede the ability to judgment.
Inability to body movements such as walking or driving format.
Difficulty concentrating.
Stuttering to speak.
Decline deterrent, it may break the law and steal drunk or commit forbidden things.
Excessive alcohol could lead to breathing difficulties.
Death as a result of excessive alcohol.
The wines varied forms and methods of killing (European)
Health effects on the same person in the long run
National Institutes of Health in the United States indicate that alcohol affects the brain tissue and may lead to contraction.
Difficulties in memory.
Slow in thinking.
Changes in mood and behavior, such as depression.
Increased risk of cardiomyopathy.
Heart disorders.
High blood pressure.
brain attack.
Fatty changes in the liver, which can lead to liver inflammation and Tndba, and in some cases a failure occurs in the liver.
Alcoholic hepatitis.
Cirrhosis of the liver.
Liver Cancer.
Oral cancer.
Throat cancer.
Esophageal cancer.
breast cancer.
The weakening of the immune system which increases the likelihood of injury to the person of diseases such as lung infections.
Walid on the pregnant mother
Pregnant women drinking wine is associated with injury to the newborn range of disorders and diseases which are called fetal alcohol spectrum that may lead to the following symptoms and complications to the newborn, which lasts until the end of his life with him Disorders:
Certain congenital characteristics such as small eyes and a short nose and upper lip minutes.
Abnormalities in the joints and limbs and fingers.
Vision problems.
Hearing difficulties.
Problems in growth.
Small head circumference.
Newborn brain size may be less.
Learning difficulties.
Heart defects.
Difficulties in motor coordination.
Problems in controlling the emotions.
Difficulties in school and function and work.
Problems in social communication.
People with these disorders often make wrong decisions, as sinners -oa trust persons are exploited Bsaolh- and repeat the same mistakes, and do not understand the consequences of their actions.
If the vintage "benefits to the people," the "sin is" much more than good and crimes (European)
The effects of alcohol on society
Increase the risk of traffic accidents.
Rise in killings and suicide risk.
Violent behavior and the danger of individuals.
The cost of health care as a result of diseases that lead to the wine.
The cost and effort required special care for children affected by one of the fetal alcohol disorders.
Are the benefits of the vintage?
There is controversy about the potential benefit of wine on heart health, as studies claim that the average consumption of alcohol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. But these allegations facing an acute attack, as opponents say that the allegations, even if true, they fade compared with the serious consequences and complications of the vintage on the body and the health of fetuses and society.
The problem of these recommendations it does not guarantee that a person will not be extravagant in wine and eating beyond the average rate of it, especially with the fact that alcohol abuse can lead to addiction problems. In addition, the drinking-even if it hurts helped Kulb- other body such as the brain, liver, pancreas and even members of the same heart and other organs.
And if it was the vintage "benefits to the people," the "sin is" much more than good and its crimes. Controversy over the subject and decided that the National Institutes of Health refuses to be a person who does not drink alcohol drinking even benefit the heart begins, and emphasizes that these data, which the researchers say it does not mean never call people to drink wine

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Egyptian City of the most beautiful cities in the world

                                                               Sharm El-Shaikh
Named after the Sharm el-Sheikh city, "City of Peace", one of the most beautiful four cities in the world, according to the BBC rating for 2005 this wonderful city was built in 1968 and developed rapidly even become one of the most famous cities in the world, a month tourist town in Sinai, also called the "jewel of Sinai and the evolution of the tourist activity significantly in recent years and the significance of the Sharm el-Sheikh at the location on the Red Sea head is then divided into the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, which led to a more distinctive environment, a key element in tourist attractions, therefore there are in and around the most important nature reserves in Ras Mohammed and Nabq. The This city was transformed from a vast desert and towering mountains to the modern city Imagine all this in just 10 years, and that people of the city to win the UNESCO prize for being selected among the top five cities peace in the world among 400 global city. located Sharm el-Sheikh between the Red Sea Bay and Aqaba The Sinai desert peninsula which connects the continent of Asia, Africa, which lies on the edge of Sharm el-Sheikh Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the important and more resorts sophisticated tourist cities Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most important centers of diving in the world and stationed those places in Ras Mohammed National Park which is rich in coral reefs and marine animals such as sharks and sea turtles and features Sharm el-Sheikh a prime location which is easily accessible to the area of ​​Tiran at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba and is considered the head of Mamedoalta protected located in South Sinai with an area of ​​480 square kilometers of the most attractive places for tourists in addition to Gopal area, which lies at the entrance to the Gulf of Suez .ottoffer in Sharm el-Sheikh strong infrastructure facilities and services and growing population dramatically, reaching more than ten thousand people are estimated to reach about 132 thousand inhabitants in 2017 with the increasing tourism activities in particular, and has an area of ​​Sharm el-Sheikh about 424 square kilometers. A-month tourist city in the Sinai where the tourist activity evolved significantly in recent years and the significance of the Sharm el-Sheikh at the location on the Red Sea head is then divided into the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, which led to a more distinctive is the key element in tourist attractions environment .. so there are and around the most important nature reserves in Ras Mohammed and Nabq. And in front of Sharm el-Sheikh there are islands of Tiran and Sanafir at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba .. Among the most important areas Ras Nasrani and Ras Umm Sid addition to Ras Mohammed.
Sharm El Sheikh attractions
Naama Bay
There are in Sharm el-Sheikh piece of paradise that attracts tourists to enter it and stay in it for some time. There is in Naama Bay converge the sky with net-rich waters of the Red Sea coral reefs dazzling, soft sand and warm sun that shines from among the colorful mountain ranges to spread its rays between the deserts and valleys.

Is that small spot, of the most beautiful Red Sea coast as it combines the advantages of many tourist environments where you can swim with colorful fish groups, watching the coral reefs through glass submarine that reveals to you the Red sea floor as you can practice diving in many areas of the Gulf . If you are an amateur sailing you can spend quality time with sailing or water skiing. Away from the sea, you might want to enjoy the magic of the Egyptian desert in the daytime or evening flights across the safari among the sand dunes of the desert in the vast mountain ranges that are suitable for the practice of mountain climbing, horse riding and Algamal.gamal Nature is not the only feature in Naama Bay ,. There is also the cabarets and nightclubs group of Bedouin and Arab design, one of the most important elements of European tourism attraction in that place. Bmrora and leisure cities, which includes the latest games for children, as well as dolphins shows, the end to enjoy the sport of golf, bowling and billiard centers. If you want to spend a pleasant evening, you just need to go to the Roman theater which offers Offers for months international teams.
One Thousand and One Nights
Located in the Plateau district, or master, which is a closed complex containing cafes, restaurants and shops for the sale of artifacts, archaeological and Aaltdkarah Kdlk regulates Hedda compound concerts for singers also contains Cinema displays the latest Arabic movies
Ras Nasrani and plateau or Mr.
Other advantages that are unique to the charming nature with its mountains towering golden beaches and azure waters and coral reefs charming its own depths that attract divers and researchers in the depths of the pristine nature of coral and up to 250 people Mirjanaa and thousands of fish and sea creatures
Ras Mohamed
The Ras Mohamed is a protected World Heritage The Ras Mohammed protected area of 850 km2. Located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba in the southern part of the Sinai, about 12 kilometers from Sharm El Sheikh, with a protected area of about 480 km2

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Luxor City

Luxor dubbed the city cent door or sun city formerly known as the good, is the capital of Egypt in the Pharaonic era, is located on the banks of the Nile River, which divides into two land east-west and the mainland, which is the capital of the province of Luxor in southern Egypt, located between latitudes 25-36 north, 32-33 in the east, and away from the Egyptian capital, Cairo, about 670 km, and the northern city of Aswan about 220 km, and south of the city of Qena, about 56 km, and south-west of the city of Hurghada about 280 km, is bounded to the north qus and the province of Qena, and South Centre Edfu and Aswan, and on the east side of the Red Sea province, to the west Armant center and the province of New Valley, the nearest sea ports of the city is the port of Safaga, and the nearest airport is to Luxor International Airport.
Of the Luxor area of ​​about 416 square kilometers, and the space inhabited is 208 square kilometers, with a population of approximately 487 896 people, according to the census of 2010, the divided city of Luxor administratively into five Heachat are legitimate Awwamiyya, ancient Karnak, the new Karnak, Qurna, facility Amari and six cities and villages affiliates are El Bayadeya, lentoids nautical, lentoids before me, Tod, Albgdadaa, Hubail, is said to be shorter, with approximately one-third of the world's monuments, it also includes many of the monuments of Pharaonic old, divided into eastern and western Albrain of the city, featuring the mainland east of Luxor Temple, Temple Karnak, and rams through the link between the two temples, and the Luxor Museum, and the western mainland fitted Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Deir el-Bahari, and Valley of the Queens, Deir el-Medina, and the Temple of the Ramesseum, and a statue of Memnon.
Because the founding of the city of Thebes to the Fourth Dynasty around 2575 BC, and even the Middle Kingdom were not good more than just a collection of huts Statistics contiguous, though, so they were used as a cemetery for the burial of the dead, it was buried where provincial governors since the era of the old state and Then, then it became the city of Thebes later in the capital of Egypt in the eleventh Egyptian dynasty at the hands of Pharaoh first Montuhotep, which has succeeded in uniting the country again after the chaos transmitting in Egypt in the era of the first decay, and has been the city of Thebes, capital of the Egyptian state until the fall of the rule Pharaohs and the family Thirty-first at the hands of the Persians 332 BC.

الجمعة، 29 يناير 2016

The fourth Caliph

Ali bin Abi Talib bin Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (13 Rajab 23 s e / March 17 599 m - 21 Ramadan 40 AH / January 27 661 m) cousin of Mohammed bin Abdullah, the Prophet of Islam and his brother in law, from each house, and foster when he died and his parents and grandfather, and a his companions, is the fourth Caliphs when the year and one of the ten missionaries heaven and the first Shiite imams.
Born in Mecca and sources indicate that his birth date was in the middle of the Kaaba, and his mother Fatima girl lion Hashemite. Aslam before the Prophet's migration, which is the second or third people entering into Islam, and the first of the safest of the boys. Migrated to Medina after the migration of Muhammad and three days with his brother Mohammed himself while brotherhood among Muslims, and his wife, his daughter Fatima in the second year of migration.
Ali participated in the invasions of each apostle except the Battle of Tabuk, where his successor, where Mohammed of the city. He knew Bhdth and his proficiency in the fighting was an important factor in the victory of Muslims in various battles, notably the Battle of the Trench and the Battle of Khyber. I was on the position of the Prophet Muhammad confidence was a Book of Revelation and the most important one of his ministers and ambassadors.
The status of Ali bin Abi Talib and his relationship with the owners of the Prophet into a historical and ideological disagreement between different Islamic sects, sees some of them that God has chosen a trustee and an imam and a successor to the Muslims, and that Muhammad had declared in a speech Bourne, therefore considered that the selection of Abu Bakr to succeed Muslims was contrary to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad , as they see that some of his companions were tense relationship. On the contrary, some of whom deny the occurrence of such an installation, and they see that the Prophet by the owners of the relationship was good and stable. The difference in belief about Ali is the original cause of the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites over the ages.
Apparent succession in 35 AH (656 AD) in Medina, was sentenced to five years and three months was described by political instability, but it was marked by significant progress of civilization, especially in the capital of the new caliphate Kufa. And signed a lot of fights because of sedition, which is an extension of the Siege of Uthman, which led to the dispersion of Muslims row and their division of the Shiite Ali al-Khalifa legitimate, and Shiites Osman claimants his blood led Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan who the killer in two rows, girl Abu Bakr, Aisha, along with Talha and Zubair bin Floater killers who on the day of the sentences by the most recent strife Some even Atharboa; also came out on the group knew Baljuj and defeated them in Nahrawan, featured Taade groups and disassociate itself from his rule and Ssayasth named Balnoesb Perhaps the most prominent of the Kharijites. Cited by Abdul Rahman bin mg in 40 AH Ramadan in the year 661 AD.
Ali became famous when Muslims Balvsahh and wisdom, Veensp him a lot of poems and aphorisms. It is also a symbol of courage and strength and is characterized by justice and asceticism novels contained in the books of modern history. It is also of the greatest scientists of his day note accordingly if not the oldest ever as Shiites and some Sunnis believed, including a number of Sufi difference.

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Third Caliph of Islam

Othman bin Affan Umayyad al-Qurashi (47 Q.h - 35 AH / 576-656 AD) third Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, and the former to Islam. The lights nicknamed because he married two of the daughters of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, where he married a paper and then after her death he married Umm Kulthum.
Osman was the first immigrant to Abyssinia to save Islam and was followed by other immigrants to the land of Abyssinia. Then emigrated second migration to Medina. The Messenger of Allah trust him and love him and honor him for modesty and good morals and considerate and had his money to support the Muslims and those who believe in God, and ravenously paradise such as Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali and the rest of the ten, and told him that he would die a martyr.
Apparent Osman succession after the Shura, which took place after the death of Omar bin al-Khattab the year 23 AH (644 AD), and his successor lasted for about twelve years has been in the custody of the collection of the Qur'an and the work of expansion of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, and opened in the custody of a number of countries and expanded the Islamic state, It is the countries that have opened in the days of his succession Armenian and Khorasan and Kerman and Sajistan, Africa, Cyprus. The first naval fleet to protect the Islamic Islamic beaches of attacks was established by the Byzantines.
In the second half of succession Othman, which lasted for twelve years, sedition events that led to the A_i_hadh.okan that on Friday, 18 of Dhul Hijjah 35 AH appeared, at the age of eighty-two years old, and was buried in Baqi in Medina

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The second Caliph of Islam

Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab infection Qurashi,
 Balfarouk nicknamed, it is the second caliph of the Prophet Mohammed and senior owners, and one of the most people and leaders in Islamic history and the most influential. It is one of the ten promised Paradise, and the Companions and scholars Zhadhm. Took over the Islamic caliphate after the death of Abu Bakr, on August 23 the year 634 AD, corresponding to the second twenty Jumada II 13 years H.kan Ibn Khattab judge experts have known for his justice and fairness the people of grievances, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, and that was one of the reasons named Balfarouk , to differentiated between right and wrong.
Is the founder Calendar, in his time was Islam a great amount, and the expansion of the Islamic state until full Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Persia, Khorasan and eastern Anatolia and South Armenian and Sajistan included, who enter Jerusalem under Muslim rule for the first time, the third holiest cities in Islam, and thus absorbed State Islamic entire territory of the Sasanian Persian Empire and about two-thirds of the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Demonstrated genius Omar Bin military discourse in the organization multiple campaigns addressed to subdue the Persians who outnumbered the Muslims' strength, enabling the entire empire to open in less than two years, as demonstrated by its ability political, administrative and wisdom through the diaper on the cohesion and unity of the state was its size is growing day after day and increase the number of its inhabitants varied ethnicity.

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The first Caliph of Islam

Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Othman al-Qurashi Taymi is the first Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, a Minister of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad and his companion, and his companion when he emigrated to Medina. Prepared by the Sunnis and the community good people after the prophets and apostles, and more companions of faith and ascetic, and to love the people of the Prophet Muhammad after his wife Aisha. Usually attached to the title name of Abu Bakr Siddiq, a title to title him of the Prophet Muhammad to the large number of unbelievable to him.
Abu Bakr was born in Mecca in 573 AD in the elephant after two years and six months, and it was rich Quraish in ignorance, and when he invited him to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad Aslam without hesitation, was the first of the safest of free men. Abu Bakr then migrated companion of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and witnessed the Battle of Badr and the scenes are all with the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of what his illness in which the disease is Abu Bakr died that leads the people in prayer. Prophet Muhammad died on Monday 12 March the year 11 AH, and failures of Abu Bakr succession on the same day, he began to manage Islamic affairs of state to appoint governors, the judiciary and the conduct of armies, and wore many Arab tribes about Islam, he took it is fighting and sent armies to fight even subjected Arabian Peninsula whole under Islamic rule, and when he ended the wars of apostasy, Abu Bakr began under the guidance of the Islamic armies to open Iraq and the Levant, Iraq opened the most significant part of the land of Sham. Abu Bakr died on Monday, 22 Jumada II AH 13 years, the age of sixty-three years old, succeeded after him, Omar bin al-Khattab.

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Caliph great reformer Omar bin Abdul Aziz

Abu Hafs Omar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin al-Qurashi Umayyad rule (61 e \ 681 m - 101 e \ 720 m), is the eighth Umayyad caliphs. Year 61 AH born in Medina, and he grew up at his maternal uncles from Al Omar ibn al-Khattab, Vtother their companions and community in the city, and was a great demand for the application of science. In the year 87 AH, and above Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik on the Emirate of Medina, then join the mandate Taif his 91 years, he became ruler of all of the Hijaz, and then isolate them and go to Damascus. When he took Suleiman bin Abdul Malik succession proximity and make it a minister and an adviser to him, then made him his heir, when Solomon died in 99 AH took Omar succession.
Marked by a succession of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, a number of features, including: the Justice and Equality, stated grievances that were the predecessors of the Umayyad may have committed, and the isolation of all the governors oppressors and punished, as re-work Shura, so several more of the fifth scientists Caliphs, as interested in science legitimacy and ordered the codification of the Hadith. Omar succession lasted two years and five months and four days, even poisoned killed in 101 AH, Vetoly bin Abdul King over the succession after him

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What do you know about the Prophet of Islam

The percentage of Allah peace be upon him
Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib bin Abd Manaf ibn Qusai bin dogs bin once ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Nadar bin Kenana Ibn Khuzaymah bin aware Ben Elias bin Mudar Bin Nizar son contagious bin Adnan is a choice of option, as he said of the ratio: {God has chosen Kenana born Ismail, and chose Quraysh from Kenana, chosen from Quraish Bani Hashim, and Astefana of Bani Hashim. It is from the Quraish, and the Quraysh Arabs, and the Arabs of the descendants of Ishmael son of Abraham and the Prophet best prayer and peace.
Birth of God be upon him
He was born in Elephant in Mecca in the first month of spring on Monday, 571 m in the Quraysh tribe, which was the Arabs Agelunha and harbor them in high esteem in Mecca, which is the religious center of the Arabian Peninsula, where the Kaaba built by Ibrahim Abu prophets and his son Ismail peace be upon them, where the Arabs to pilgrimage and the parading.
Its inception, peace be upon him in the care of God
Grew Prophet orphan Vaoah God Almighty, and their families Vognah God, he died and his father Abdullah, a lamb in his mother's womb, and breastfed Thuwaiba days a Mulap to Abu flame, then breastfed Halima Saadia in the wilderness, then and stayed in Bani Saad, the order of four years, the construction of all his heart There he plays with the boys, Anas {that the Messenger of God came to him Jibril, which plays with the boys, took him torn him was too difficult for his heart, Fastkrj heart Fastkrj Leech said: This is the devil you luck, then wash it off in the basin of gold with Zamzam water and then to his mother, then returned in place, and the young men came to his mother seeking (mean Zirh) said: that Muhammad had been killed, Fastqubloh a Mentqa color Anas said: Have you see the impact sewn in the chest} When this great incident faint it Halima Saadia God bless them, Ferdth to his mother safe girl gave, I went out with his mother to the city, to visit his maternal uncles, and then I came back, heading to Mecca died in road Balaboa, between Mecca and Medina, at the age of six years and three months and ten days and when his mother died guaranteed by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and when he was eight years old grandfather died and recommend it to his uncle Abu Talib; because he was the brother of Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Vkvlh, and to inform Haath completed.

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Al-Azhar University, one of the oldest universities in the world

Al-Azhar University is a religious and scientific world the world's largest Islamic organization and 
the third oldest university in the world after the Zitouna University and the University of villagers, which is found in Cairo in Egypt. History records that the (Al-Azhar) was established at the beginning of the reign of the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt inclusive as the (mosque Cairo, named after Al-Azhar later), where the stone foundation laid in the twenty-fourth of May 359 AH / 970 AD, and prayed the Caliph Muizz Fatimid second successors to the Fatimid state the first Friday prayers of the month of Ramadan in the year 361 AH / 972 AD, marking the adoption official mosque of the new state, and home to the dissemination of religion and science in the lessons that she attended the workshops, and initiated by Judge Abu Hanifa bin Mohammed Cyrene judge Caliph Almazlden God, and took over teaching the children of this judge after him and others, as well as study other science in religion, language, reading, logic and astronomy. According to the rankings of the site Weibo Matrix of World Universities, the University of Al-Azhar replaced at the center 74 in Africa and globally between 8019 and study in universities is limited to Muslims only