الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

What is the Geneva Conference

Numerous conferences (Geneva), and a variety of subjects, and the reasons for which were held, but they are in their entirety in the service of man and issues which are being pursued around the world. Geneva Conference in 1954: the reasons for holding the conference to reconcile the views among the countries that participated in the "Korea" war, and to discuss Chinese issues India, and resulted in those talks for the inclusion of the two documents, namely: 1.oagaf immediate cease-fire, and the France and Vietnam, North signed the document. 2.osdr a final statement, but the United States refused to China's participation in the signing of the People, and therefore did not sign a statement on the participation of countries. The armistice agreement between North Vietnam and France signed not only these two parties as the main belligerents in the region, the document included several items, the most important of which: 1. an immediate cease-fire, and to identify the temporary armistice lines until the holding of general elections in the country. 2. regroup and organize the warring forces, with a time of gathering and organizing the program in the regions and the interior, and within a time period not to exceed 300 days from the date of entry into force of the cease-fire agreement, and regulatory operations are concentrated in two main areas:. French troops south of the selected line, and Vietnamese troops in the north. 3. Working to prevent one of the parties to supply warships from abroad, and work to prevent the establishment of rules Gscrih "foreign" in Vietnam. 4. Work on the withdrawal of any supplies or supplies or troops from the moment they start the operation of the agreement and its application on the ground. 5. determine the date of May 18 for the selection of the Vietnamese citizens, the region where they want to live, that manages the civil affairs of a party which meets troops in the region. 6. the establishment of an international commission to monitor the ceasefire between the two parties (I.S.C), The Committee consists of representatives from India, Canada, Poland, and chaired by the Indian delegate. 7. Do not allow any military or civilian to cross the ceasefire line, but after receiving a permit issued by the Joint Commission. Among the most important texts is the holding of general elections in Vietnam, according to item 14 of the Convention, and set the date for holding the elections on July 20, 1956, so as to unification. Geneva Conference 1973: The main objective of this conference, is the sternal Palestinian settlement, and specifically after the evolution of conflicts in the region during the setback in 1967. The Israeli government has tried to put obstacles to hold the conference at the time, according to Security Council resolutions and which provided for the convening of the conference on October 22, 1973, and because of those contrived by Israel obstacles Conference has not been held only two months after the passage of history, and was a delay because of Israel's position on the conference in addition to differences have evolved within the Israeli government about the conference. Obstacles Israel by raising them, Israeli prisoners in Syria problem, and their refusal to engage any delegation representing the Palestinian people at the conference, as well as the Zionist entity government rejected the involvement of Britain and France at the conference, rejected the presence of the European intervention in it, and that the role of the United Nations at the conference the role of "honorary "limited, to be held under the supervision of the two superpowers. Because of these obstacles, has been holding the conference at the European headquarters of the United Nations, headed by the secretary-general of the United Nations, and ended with the results of the conference by a majority of ten votes, while the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union abstained from voting, and not to China's participation in the voting process, where the decision was made under No. 344 which provides for the talks between the parties to the conflict in the Middle East. There were another problem on the surface, which is Syria's failure to participate in the conference, and the statement issued by the Syrian government stipulates that Syria is ready to participate in any serious effort to implement 338 decision issued by the United Nations, which provides for an immediate cease-fire and start racing peace talks under international supervision. Syrian statement added that Syria refuses to enter into a stir through the Geneva Conference to Conference (deception), the maneuvers Israel transferred to the attention of the Conference side issues, ignoring his primary goal which is the implementation of resolution 338. Geneva Conference 2012: holding this conference to discuss the establishment of a transitional government in Syria after the overthrow of the regime there! Geneva humanitarian conference and generated by the creation of the International Red Cross, and broke away from that organization Red Crescent Societies, which works on human assistance without regard to color, sex, race and affiliations. References: Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. Settlement of the Palestinian issue projects. Middle East BBC.

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