الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

How Andalus fall

Andalus of the greatest civilizations that have passed in the history of Islam and Muslims, a civilization stretched over eight consecutive centuries, these eight centuries beacon that indicates anything, it indicates the finest intellectual and cultural levels reached by the Arabs and Muslims through their history, and at all levels and levels of Medicine to religion to engineering to architecture to the arts to poetry and music to the human sciences to physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and many other areas, Arabs in Andalusia are a story in itself, this story is suitable for a lesson and sermon and learning at any time and at any time, the Islamic State in Andalus, is a country of incorporation and then went through the Renaissance sparkle and then fade to a mass finish and fading, and the story of Andalusia summarizes the reasons that assist States to promote and also summarizes the reasons that weaken the power of states and terminate. The fall of Andalusia of the most bitter moments in the history of the Arabs and Muslims, and did not come falling out of the blue, after that this country went through power and grandeur and glamor and prosperity and tender and production, started to weaken gradually, after the weakness of the Umayyad dynasty period in Andalusia, and the beginning of the era of Taifa took life in Last turn of Andalusia, where differences gradually began to slowly grow in this region, where there are several countries and has become a divided state of Andalusia to more than two dozen mini-state. Increased ambitions in Andalusia, especially by Europeans who are waiting for opportunity moment even pounce on this mini-states and eat them slowly, that state stationed appeared where dawned star flag of the flags in the history of Muslims for, a Prince Almurbati Yusuf ibn Yasin, who was able to put an end to the European ambitions in this state and to stationed comprising the state to become part of it, where it fought several battles with them the most famous battle of the slide. After a period of time were able Unitarian state coup stationed on the state and end, and this state of rule of Andalusia stationed moved to the State of the monotheists, who also managed to defend the Al-Andalus period of time that the State of the Unitarian fell in the famous Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. After this the state of Bani Red was founded in Granada, where this is the last stage before the final fall of the Islamic state in Andalusia, and punishing rule several kings of the children of the Red, that finally fell at the hands of Fernando II in 1492 AD. Is the story of the fall of Andalusia can serve as a lesson and a living example of what caused conflict and division between brothers

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