الاثنين، 1 فبراير 2016

Arab peoples

There are many writers who have written about the origin of the Arabs are and where they came from and return to their lineage. Where the origin of the Arabs due to the Prophet Noah peace be upon him, especially his son, "Sam son of Noah," Studies indicate that the Arabs lived in Mesopotamia (Iraq) and then a part of them fled to the Arabian Peninsula and lived in them and named them (Arabs) any "Western", because the symbols adults was losing to speak in lofty language and they speak the eye rather than adults, and that era became known on both fled from Iraq to the Arabian Peninsula "Arabs" the tribes that migrated to the Arabian Peninsula and their name has become Arabs are divided into two parts
First: the extinct Arabs
They were people who returned their area called Ahqaf Ahqaf a desert in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Thamoud people; who inhabited the valley villages, areas located between Hijaz and the Levant (Madain Salih) in the northern region of the Arabian Peninsula. And also TaSeenMeem and Agdis; and who inhabited the area dove in the center of the Arabian Peninsula and the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. And these folks are all extinct before the advent of Islam and also Smao "ancient Arabs".
Second, the remaining Arabs; and are divided into two parts
Arabs Arabh: like Qahtan who lived in Yemen in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and Smiwa Balarbh because they consider the origin of the Arabs and due to the descent in the label to "Sam son of Noah" and back to "express Ben Qahtan bin transient bin Shalikh bin arpachshad bin Sam bin Noah." An example of this tribes donkeys and Kahlan and Ghassanid and Khaza'a and Aws and Khazraj. It is said that they are the first Arabic-language pronunciation of the native language is said to have a skill. Arabs Arabized: descendants of the descendants of Prophet Ismail Allah exalt his mention, and they Adnanites who inhabited the north of the Arabian Peninsula; such as: (harmful), which includes the tribes of Qais and Eilan, who hails them Quraish rates in Mecca, and Rabia; who hails respective rates Bakr and overcome and said that their language The first is the original Syriac of Iraq and then to be together with their language became Arabah.hat novels it says that the combination of Prophet Ismail -alih peace - with his mother and dragged Bakbillete Giants earned him the Arabic language and tongue fluent Arabic in which they outweigh the eloquence and eloquence. It was not pre-Islamic Arabs known history except what they inherited the novel and what was common in their conversations, including what was true and some of which was not true according to the whims of the spokesman of the novel and tournaments As for what it was true stories about Kaaba

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