الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

How Andalus fall

Andalus of the greatest civilizations that have passed in the history of Islam and Muslims, a civilization stretched over eight consecutive centuries, these eight centuries beacon that indicates anything, it indicates the finest intellectual and cultural levels reached by the Arabs and Muslims through their history, and at all levels and levels of Medicine to religion to engineering to architecture to the arts to poetry and music to the human sciences to physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and many other areas, Arabs in Andalusia are a story in itself, this story is suitable for a lesson and sermon and learning at any time and at any time, the Islamic State in Andalus, is a country of incorporation and then went through the Renaissance sparkle and then fade to a mass finish and fading, and the story of Andalusia summarizes the reasons that assist States to promote and also summarizes the reasons that weaken the power of states and terminate. The fall of Andalusia of the most bitter moments in the history of the Arabs and Muslims, and did not come falling out of the blue, after that this country went through power and grandeur and glamor and prosperity and tender and production, started to weaken gradually, after the weakness of the Umayyad dynasty period in Andalusia, and the beginning of the era of Taifa took life in Last turn of Andalusia, where differences gradually began to slowly grow in this region, where there are several countries and has become a divided state of Andalusia to more than two dozen mini-state. Increased ambitions in Andalusia, especially by Europeans who are waiting for opportunity moment even pounce on this mini-states and eat them slowly, that state stationed appeared where dawned star flag of the flags in the history of Muslims for, a Prince Almurbati Yusuf ibn Yasin, who was able to put an end to the European ambitions in this state and to stationed comprising the state to become part of it, where it fought several battles with them the most famous battle of the slide. After a period of time were able Unitarian state coup stationed on the state and end, and this state of rule of Andalusia stationed moved to the State of the monotheists, who also managed to defend the Al-Andalus period of time that the State of the Unitarian fell in the famous Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. After this the state of Bani Red was founded in Granada, where this is the last stage before the final fall of the Islamic state in Andalusia, and punishing rule several kings of the children of the Red, that finally fell at the hands of Fernando II in 1492 AD. Is the story of the fall of Andalusia can serve as a lesson and a living example of what caused conflict and division between brothers

Why name the Arabian Gulf that name

Water separating the seas and oceans and continents counter to form the so-called Gulf, and the Gulf is a semi-enclosed body of water is carried out through the Strait of the sea or the ocean and there are thousands of bays scattered on the ground, and in the Arab region there is also the most famous bays and the Arabian Gulf. The Arab Gulf is located above the Arabian Peninsula, which the Arab Gulf is that body of water which is limited in the north and east of the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf called this name because most of the countries, which overlooks and oversees the Gulf are the Arab countries, and from countries which oversees on the Arabian Gulf is the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and Qatar, and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and Iraq. If we have noted that countries which oversees the Gulf Arab countries, which are the seven states any territorial waters in the Gulf is an Arab water and there is no other goal to label the Persian Gulf without his name and the Persian Gulf belongs to the Arabs. Among countries which owns a third of the Arabian Gulf area is the state of Iran . Where Iran is trying hard to impose the name of the Persian Gulf instead of Persian Gulf name Kmsmy certified advocated by all States. But their attempts ended in failure in many countries have recognized the name of the Arab Gulf instead of the Persian Gulf, and because of that Iran recognizes the Persian Gulf Kkhalij owned and is taught in the curriculum Aldarcyh that the Gulf is Persian, not Arabic. In the history of ancient civilizations, this was the Gulf is witnessing a lot of business trips that runs from the civilizations of the Gulf of Persia and India and the Gulf saw several labels and, most notably the Gulf of Chaldeans proportion to the civilization of the Chaldeans, and the Persian Gulf proportion of Persia, and also called the South Sea synonymous the top of the sea and is the Mediterranean, but in the Ottoman era, His Highness the Gulf of Basra, the proportion of Basra, Iraq, which was occupied by a strong position in the Ottoman era, and remember that the only port that implements the Arabian Gulf to the Indian Ocean is the Strait of Hormuz and called Behrmz proportion of the city Hormozgan which lies on the western side of the Arabian Gulf, and a lot of hatred of the Arabs and the Arab countries called some States against Iran to the Persian Gulf as the Persian Gulf, although the total area of ​​the water preponderant hangs in the Arab countries

What is the Geneva Conference

Numerous conferences (Geneva), and a variety of subjects, and the reasons for which were held, but they are in their entirety in the service of man and issues which are being pursued around the world. Geneva Conference in 1954: the reasons for holding the conference to reconcile the views among the countries that participated in the "Korea" war, and to discuss Chinese issues India, and resulted in those talks for the inclusion of the two documents, namely: 1.oagaf immediate cease-fire, and the France and Vietnam, North signed the document. 2.osdr a final statement, but the United States refused to China's participation in the signing of the People, and therefore did not sign a statement on the participation of countries. The armistice agreement between North Vietnam and France signed not only these two parties as the main belligerents in the region, the document included several items, the most important of which: 1. an immediate cease-fire, and to identify the temporary armistice lines until the holding of general elections in the country. 2. regroup and organize the warring forces, with a time of gathering and organizing the program in the regions and the interior, and within a time period not to exceed 300 days from the date of entry into force of the cease-fire agreement, and regulatory operations are concentrated in two main areas:. French troops south of the selected line, and Vietnamese troops in the north. 3. Working to prevent one of the parties to supply warships from abroad, and work to prevent the establishment of rules Gscrih "foreign" in Vietnam. 4. Work on the withdrawal of any supplies or supplies or troops from the moment they start the operation of the agreement and its application on the ground. 5. determine the date of May 18 for the selection of the Vietnamese citizens, the region where they want to live, that manages the civil affairs of a party which meets troops in the region. 6. the establishment of an international commission to monitor the ceasefire between the two parties (I.S.C), The Committee consists of representatives from India, Canada, Poland, and chaired by the Indian delegate. 7. Do not allow any military or civilian to cross the ceasefire line, but after receiving a permit issued by the Joint Commission. Among the most important texts is the holding of general elections in Vietnam, according to item 14 of the Convention, and set the date for holding the elections on July 20, 1956, so as to unification. Geneva Conference 1973: The main objective of this conference, is the sternal Palestinian settlement, and specifically after the evolution of conflicts in the region during the setback in 1967. The Israeli government has tried to put obstacles to hold the conference at the time, according to Security Council resolutions and which provided for the convening of the conference on October 22, 1973, and because of those contrived by Israel obstacles Conference has not been held only two months after the passage of history, and was a delay because of Israel's position on the conference in addition to differences have evolved within the Israeli government about the conference. Obstacles Israel by raising them, Israeli prisoners in Syria problem, and their refusal to engage any delegation representing the Palestinian people at the conference, as well as the Zionist entity government rejected the involvement of Britain and France at the conference, rejected the presence of the European intervention in it, and that the role of the United Nations at the conference the role of "honorary "limited, to be held under the supervision of the two superpowers. Because of these obstacles, has been holding the conference at the European headquarters of the United Nations, headed by the secretary-general of the United Nations, and ended with the results of the conference by a majority of ten votes, while the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union abstained from voting, and not to China's participation in the voting process, where the decision was made under No. 344 which provides for the talks between the parties to the conflict in the Middle East. There were another problem on the surface, which is Syria's failure to participate in the conference, and the statement issued by the Syrian government stipulates that Syria is ready to participate in any serious effort to implement 338 decision issued by the United Nations, which provides for an immediate cease-fire and start racing peace talks under international supervision. Syrian statement added that Syria refuses to enter into a stir through the Geneva Conference to Conference (deception), the maneuvers Israel transferred to the attention of the Conference side issues, ignoring his primary goal which is the implementation of resolution 338. Geneva Conference 2012: holding this conference to discuss the establishment of a transitional government in Syria after the overthrow of the regime there! Geneva humanitarian conference and generated by the creation of the International Red Cross, and broke away from that organization Red Crescent Societies, which works on human assistance without regard to color, sex, race and affiliations. References: Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War. Settlement of the Palestinian issue projects. Middle East BBC.

The first siege in history

 looked first for a long siege in history, derogatory always Rahala when the longest siege in history, in the pre-Christmas, and at the time of the Babylonian king (Nebuchadnezzar). The first siege in history, is the same as the longest siege in history, heroes Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, and the Canaanite city of Tyre, where the spread of this blockade for up to thirteen years (585-572 BC). Nebuchadnezzar (King stubborn), so tell me after it was launched in stages siege to the city of Tyre, without surrender, and remained stationed around the city to drop. Nebuchadnezzar, is the eldest son of Nabopolassar, who dropped Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. Before taking victory of King Nebuchadnezzar, he led the Chaldeans to defeat the Assyrians again after the defeat of his father to them, and has to defeat Pharaohs and Assyrians in battle (Carchemish) in 605 BC, and later managed to take control of several areas, including (Syria) and (Phoenicia), and wrung out of the hands of the Assyrians after their defeat. In the same year his father died, King Nabopolassar, is to turn back to the king of Babylon and placed them legally. After it became the property of successive conquests and victories Nebuchadnezzar, to stretch from Syria and Judah, until they reached the borders of Egypt, and specifically to the City (Gaza) south of the current Palestine, where he defeated then called with (Egyptian Babylonian war). Nebuchadnezzar did not bear to inflict devastation or destruction of cities by the shooting down or control them, but rather only to impose tribute, and was keen to impose regularly paid to cities that impose the control. Has not lived up to the king of Judah, try the insurgency, hence the kingdom of Judah decided disobedience against Babylon and Mena (Nebuchadnezzar), so he Nebuchadnezzar turn the siege of Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom of Judah, and defeated the Egyptians who endowed for the defense of the kingdom of Judah, the Babylonians continued siege of the kingdom of Judah full about , where they were able later to infiltrate Jerusalem, the capital, and moved in and carried away most of the population and including King and caused havoc in the city, and burnt the Temple of Solomon, and so victory Nebuchadnezzar put an end to the reign of David strain on Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah year (587 BC. M ) . It was not the kingdom of Judah are the only ones that objected to the payment of tribute to Nebuchadnezzar, but was the first to rebel against this, and followed by City (Photos Canaanite), on Alfwerkam Nebuchadnezzar crawl and the siege imposed on them, supposing him that the siege will not be long for more than a year Like the kingdom of Judah, but the extended blockade of up to thirteen years, the longest siege in the history of the city, and the siege ended with the acquiescence of the Canaanites to dominate the Babylonian, but will not deny it was a bacillus. As usual, the Kings to show their heroism and patience with the difficulties and challenge any obstacle in their way, were to Nebuchadnezzar his remarks about the siege of the city of Tyre, without it in one of the ancient panels that were found, he said that he has been able to isolate the king villain and his defeat, and chart the way Photos between the mountains, and distracting the population of the wicked to the ground four directions, and the king to choose her. Tyre: City Middle Eastern coastal, located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and is one of the months old world cities throughout history, to enable the monopoly of maritime trade and control in the Phoenician era, and had a great role in spreading the religions of the ancient world, and put an end to the advance of Alexander the Great and his Mqhumicha, in addition to parking and addressing the Babylonians in the siege for many years. We read for (Zechariah), last of the prophets in the sixth century to say about the city of Tyre, describing what it was during the years of the siege of Nebuchadnezzar by: Pictures may girl fortress for herself, and heaped up silver like dust, and gold as an Adobe markets, it is, Mr. (Lord) inherits , and it hits the power in the sea and is eaten with fire. Zakaria describes the power of pictures and immunity to resist the Babylonians and the long siege. Sources: - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - Between the fire and the sea, the Arab magazine

The importance of the Suez Canal

In the name of God and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. After, The Suez Canal is an artificial canal linking the Mediterranean Sea, and the Gulf of Suez, which connects the Red Sea. This channel is located in the north-eastern side of Egypt, they are from the land of Egypt sentence. Suez Canal is an artificial isthmus separating the Egyptian territories, which are located in Asia, and the Egyptian territories, which are located in the continent of Africa. This channel is going through in several Egyptian provinces, namely: Port Said province bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and the province of Ismailia, Suez and counties bordering the Gulf of Suez, which connects the Red Sea. Digging of the Suez Canal operations began in the mid-nineteenth century, specifically in 1859, after conducting a number of studies and research on this great project, with the knowledge that the idea of ​​creating this channel were not the result of that period, but go back for centuries. And continued drilling operations for 10 years, where he worked more than 30 thousand workers to dig the channel, and most of the Egyptians. Has been completed excavated in 1869, it was inaugurated in the same year. The length of the Suez Canal, about 190 kilometers, with a depth of almost 24 meters. The display surface in the north, amounts to about 345 meters, while the bottom width of about 215 meters. In the south the surface amounts to about 280 m in width, while the bottom width of about 195 meters. The Suez Canal, a commercial and economic importance is very large, where thousands of ships pass each year, and the benefits of this channel it enabled ships coming from America, and Europe, to reach the Indian Ocean and the trend towards Asia the shortest ways. After digging this channel dispensed with such ships on the long road that was passing through it previously, a Cape of Good Hope, and therefore it may be provided by this new channel a lot of time and costs. The ships coming from Asia and the Arabian Peninsula benefited from this channel also, in the short cut to get to Europe, and America. And the Suez Canal great economic importance for Egypt, Valguenah does not belong to the private sector, but the Egyptian government-owned, and take advantage of its revenues, since those revenues that comes from them is considerable, Vairadadtha have achieved in 2013, the highest level in the history of the channel, which reported 37 billion pounds Egyptian; or approximately US $ 5 billion.

stone Age

It came in (Dictionary meanings) definition of the Stone Age that: "From the first centuries of human civilization, where he was the first man drags uses made of stones." It was the beginning of the Stone Age, or the so-called prehistoric age, since man found on this earth, was his tools and weapons are all made of stone, where he Ptkotaiaha and divided and carved himself, has inscriptions and the effects of many dating back to the era in many regions of the world. It began the Stone Age in Europe, Asia and Africa by two million a year, and inevitably followed later in the rest of the ground, where he continued to Southeast Asia and the Middle East until the year 6000 BC, while in the European continent and the rest of Asia, parts, stayed for around the year 4000 BC, and ended this era Circa 2500 BC from the Americas. As a result of changing climatic conditions, which in turn influenced human culture, split the Stone Age into three: 1. Paleolithic: where a person depends on fishing, mobility and making tools of stone and bone periods, but also learn a campfire, and it was this era is the longest between periods. 2. Neolithic: learn where agriculture and domestication of animals. Tools have evolved as making spears and needles, and also take painted in caves experienced. 3. era stone and minerals: you know in this day and age and how the metals melted down, So it was used metallic copper, bronze, iron and beyond discovered and used it also. Most of the Stone Age fees that are found in the caves were talking about animals, perhaps because they Kunhal faze human being that age, or for being a delicacy to him, or to his mystique as a powerful force in the challenged and overcome. Download this day and age a lot of exciting and amazing graphics, which represent a man ram an arrow, engraved on the rocks. The variation in the earth climate in the Stone Age time from one area to another, and the different plants and animals as well, all of that made a variety of opportunities and challenges for the development of shale human performance, and the development of traditional culture. The impact of the New Stone Age human. When compared to the old Stone Age. We find a few creations, with the exception of some ceramics, it was the Old clear impact on the works of man from the list of columns and buildings did not know the purpose of their construction and functions to this day. Sources: 1. Dictionary meanings. 2. Wikipedia. 3. forum for scientific, literary and speeches Alahbut self and ready to walk. 4. Will Durant. The Story of Civilization. Zaki Naguib Mahmoud translation.

الاثنين، 1 فبراير 2016


For as long as the Pharaohs and the ancient Egyptian civilization of the most mysterious civilizations and the most controversial and most Azhla and intriguing throughout the ages to the present day. He built the Pharaohs great civilization some effects remained far from the pyramids, temples, tombs and other monuments of Costume and utensils, which are still discovering more of them to now, in addition to some obelisks and hieroglyphics on the walls of temples and tombs, which tells some of the stories the old events for victories and achievements ago civilization was on this earth in one day. A controversial positions of the researchers and archaeologists is: What is the origin of the Pharaohs? Perhaps the answer to this question lies baffling opinion, which says that God knows the origin of the Pharaohs is the son of welding Prophet Noah, peace be upon him. This view says that when he finished the deluge which flooded the land, and the distribution of the sons of Prophet Noah peace be upon him in its parts, welding and his sons to Africa went and settled and lived there, and then dispersed in the same area and the fact that all of them are different and diverse cultures, each with its own language, customs and traditions characteristic . One of these civilizations that settled in the Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia and the Nubians, and has been regarded as the owners of these civilizations cousins ​​Egypt of the Pharaohs who had taken them to the ground and built the historic civilization, which left their mark and their implications clear to now. While most African tribes retained their customs and traditions of distinctive and even different languages, Pharaonic civilization has not been able to maintain a unique civilization, due to mixing with Other civilizations that came to Egypt as well, and Arab civilization from one of these civilizations, the Arabs were able to localize the Pharaonic civilization and were able to destroy it and erased and, as the Arab civilization has been able to overwhelm this civilization and replace them. Pharaonic civilization and left behind ruins of the effects that we know now to tell us the history of the past and the people who lived there at some point. And there are words used by the people of Egypt now found they are not of Arabic origin but are of Pharaonic origin. It is these words that frequency traditional Egyptian song, which was sought by children in the holy month of Ramadan, which says Hawa Ya Hawa, Ayaha which means Sheikh O Sheikh, the moon, that is the word and the thrust means Sheikh and the word Ayaha means the moon, any O Sheikh Moon Is. On the other words the word, which means Eddie was given, and the word which means six lady or woman.

The land of Egypt

Egypt had throughout history, status and leading role, the rule of the Pharaohs of this country for thousands of years, and in spite of the corruption of their beliefs and their shirk but they have a great civilization, they built the pyramids which remained secret construction of a mystery baffled scientists and researchers to the present day, as well as invented the Pharaohs way of embalming the dead so that they can save their bodies after death, and the Koran has spoken about this phenomenon Baajaz scientific where he says (Valium Nenjik Bbdnk to be those behind the verse), and has deceived the pharaoh strength and his power and thought that will not be appreciated by God Almighty and, when Attah Prophet Moses verses and miracles credence to his message, Pharaoh refused faith in God and the denial of His signs and haughty arrogance great, and it was Agtararh claiming that he has the reins of power in Egypt and that the rivers run from under him, claimed divinity and Kafr God was consequence that God and his soldiers drowned in the sea was a lesson to the arrogant oppressors to the Day of Resurrection. And it was told the reason for naming the land of Egypt, the land of Egypt for two reasons. First proportion to the store in which it placed the weapon or sword, and because they were told the land of the Nile. And the Romans took control of the land of Egypt, a period of time before it enters Islam, opening her and editor, it was the Romans treated people badly treated because of the different religion Romans about religion the people of Egypt, it was the people of Egypt Copts Christians and the Roman pagans, and so was the Romans consider Egypt granary of wheat to them, they constitute them an important economic resource, Muslims try to initially send messages to the rulers of Egypt, initiated by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him when sent a letter to Cyrus the ruler of Egypt individual Cyrus response Well and sent a gift to the Prophet prayer and peace, and the Holy Prophet had predicted open Egypt and ordered that Istosy its people better, they have edema and womb, the mother of Ishmael are migrated that are from Egypt, whom he married Abraham, peace be upon him, and the prophet of God shall also apply Coptic Pmarah that given to him by Cyrus was and that is the disclosure of the uterus, is no secret preferred to Egypt and its position on one.

old name of Egypt

Most people do not know the old names which I knew Egypt, where he has several names, I'll come to mention what you can to me in my research this, that the origin of the word (Egypt) is an Arab word, but the word (Ajeptus) the origin Copt, was launched Egyptians The ancient name (Kimi) to Egypt, which is at the origin of Greek, and we find that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks specifically was he called his (Ha. Ka. Petah), which means this word your god Ptah particular place, this god was worship town of Memphis, which was capital of unified Egypt during the Old Kingdom, where fired name (for example) on themselves, and that this word means people, and also (Rmtn Kemah), which means the people of Egypt, and also (Kimitao), which means the people of Kimi, and also (Rmtn PATA), which means specifically people Earth . They were the people of Egypt ancient call their language name (Rankemh), which means the tongue of Egypt, and also (and Mdtn Kemah) means the language of Egypt, and we find them also call name (extended Rmtn Kemah), which means the language of hope for Egypt, the first ancient Egyptians called Name (Kemah) and ( Takimh) on the land of Egypt, which means these labels word (black, or brown, or Khmer), and believes that this designation came from the reference to the color of its soil, was fired on the desert in Egypt Name (Dashrh), a reference to the names of Egypt as well, and we find The name (Tawi) is one of the oldest names that were fired at Egypt, which means earths, Muthana any land, and was referred to the district level (b Tahimo), and also referred to the Delta area (Tameho). Has been referred to as the (conspiratorial), and also (calibration Ra), which means Eye of the Sun, and also GAH means sound, and (Atherta) by means of Mahraben, and called also (Package) any Zitouna, a signal permanent where the greenery, The the first to launch name (Egypt) are the Arabs, specifically in Semitic languages ​​is significant on (the fence or barrier), which shows the effect on immunity and protect the city. Password (Msrm) in a Phoenician texts have been received, and also the word (Kmushara) in one Assyrian texts found in Ras Shamra in Syria.

How was built the pyramids

Per a people deeply rooted in history, as the ancient peoples was a tribal ancient tribes who lived around each other, and have had certain habits common to, and every civilization was trying to stand out from the civilizations surrounding, and the most important ancient civilizations: Civilization Babylonian and Sumerian ... Among the most famous of ancient civilizations Pharaonic civilization, which historians wrote about a lot.
Ancient Pharaonic civilization
Pharaonic civilization characterized by great excellence from the rest of civilization, and that her family had been living a very wonderful life, as the Pharaonic life characterized by extreme precision and great parts of the organization between civilization and the Egyptian people. He lived the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, and the focus of their presence on the banks of the Nile River, where if they have worked in agriculture and took advantage of the fertility of the area around the River Nile for the cultivation and access to agricultural crops, which is enough to feed the Egyptians, and also trade them to their nearest country, lived in Egypt a lot of tribes, which have been many cases of invasion, and the latest of which is the invasion of the Pharaonic, as the last of the Pharaohs were invaded Egypt, and dwelt therein. The reasons for the success of the Pharaonic civilization was one of the main reasons for the success of the Pharaonic civilization is the optimization of the surrounding nature, as well as to adapt to the circumstances surrounding their speed, as the Pharaohs were able to exploit the places where the availability of minerals, oil, and water wells.
The reasons for the success of the Pharaonic civilization
One of the main reasons for the success of the Pharaonic civilization is the optimization of the surrounding nature, in addition to the speed of adaptation to the circumstances surrounding them, as 
the Pharaohs were able to exploit the places where the availability of minerals, oil, and water wells
The achievements of the ancient Pharaohs
In spite of the economic downturn in ancient Egypt but that the Pharaohs were interested in a lot of things and the most important of which literature, and other sciences, as they put a system of writing, and the visitor can Egyptian antiquities now to see the writings on the walls and inscriptions too, as they began Alodaut military industry In order to fight, and in order to protect themselves from any occupation is coming to them, in addition to this they excelled in medicine, herbal medicine, which was naturally grow on its own. From more areas in which excelled by the Pharaohs and recorded by history Bostr of gold, is the field of architecture and architecture, where they were able to build a lot of graves and built palaces and pyramids and other monuments that still exist until this moment, and the kings of the pharaohs were like urbanization in great, all king built himself a tomb was to be buried, and the cemetery was more like a palace, in addition to that they were like building temples that coats the walls of the beautiful engravings and decorations. One of the greatest buildings built by the ancient pharaohs, the pyramids, which are located in the city of Giza, which visitors and tourists from all over the place to come for recreation and access to a period of calm and convalescence.
Building the pyramids
Was built the pyramids to be tombs, as each king established the same cemetery on the shape of a pyramid, three pyramids in three different sizes, each carrying a pyramid of King name, which was built by, three kings, Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, and took more than supervise the construction engineer Alohermat that reached its final form, as it was in its infancy in the form of oblate and not hierarchical, and then managed to engineer Imono making them the ultimate form pyramid, which is the private King Khufu Eng. Likely chronological age of the pyramids to nearly 25 centuries, and built a lot of years it took was being used building materials are very basic, but enable the Pharaohs of built best told in all parts of the world, lies the greatness of the pyramids in high-rise, as they are of enormous size, stones used where stacked very wonderful way, and in an orderly and consistent, as it does not contain any spaces. The largest pyramids is the pyramid of King Cheops, which was built as a tomb for him to be buried after his death, but the greatest of the outer pyramid view is the splendor of the corridors and drawers in Alohermat from the inside, where it is on a high level of sophistication and innovation system, they contain a lot of lanes in addition to the containment on of King Khufu and his family valuables, in addition to the beautiful statues that were carved and placed in inside the pyramid. Been Alohermat to a lot of vandalism during the period of their presence in Egypt, where it was a lot of special kings of property, which was found in the pyramid from the inside theft, in addition to the top of the pyramid was a platform gold-plated, but this platform disappeared from above the pyramid.
Archaeologists speculation
Scientists speculate that the pyramids are not built of stone as people think, as the conclusive evidence they have is how that all stones are the same size, and the same direction, so much so that there is no spaces between them, and that the Pharaohs did not have any equipment out of date, and that the material uses of primitive, so scientists believe that the pyramids were built of mud, which the pyramids formed by a way that they wanted, until I got to the final form of dedicated precision that has been reached today. This fact reached by the scientists are just a fact mentioned in the Koran before, as the Pharaoh after that overwhelmed and told people that their Lord, and lied brought by Moses, asked Haman to build a large edifice in order to see God and offset, he has said God Victabh Quran: (Vooukd me, O Haman on the mud so make me a monument to Ali briefed to the God of Moses, though verily I think of the liars) the great truth of God. Any that Pharaoh at that time, use the mud, the same material used by the Pharaohs to build the pyramids, and the remaining pyramids is the highest building in the whole world, and over all the ages, it is also one of the seven wonders of the world, it has been mentioned and talked about in the Koran before that talking about scientists, and in this definitive guide to deal with the science of religion in many respects and in many things, and this is unlike many of the things that tried Orientalists created among Muslims about the true nature of Islam and the Islamic religion. Finally, it can not be any one can deny the achievements of the Pharaohs specifically because they do not persist until this moment to be witness to this remarkable civilization, and the kings of the pharaohs were of the most powerful kings of the earth and is stronger than the rule of Egypt, and the effects of the Pharaohs behind them are the greatest impact on the ground, as it is unprecedented, it has many other peoples residents tried to imitate the construction of the pyramids and the Sphinx, but they did not succeed in that order and remained secret Alohermat brand registered in the name of the pharaohs only.

Islamic civilization

Civilization general sense is the formation of a particular environment with rules and regulations set by the state or region in which a group of people live to stretch this civilization from a small environment to a country with laws and policies pursued by, and civilization vary depending on the time and the people who were living that time, and this civilization movement in the rest to time engraved in the conscience of history do not go away this civilization and its parameters it is possible that time expires the end of this civilization follow its policy legitimate. Of the finest civilizations that existed in the history of mankind is Islamic civilization, which remained engraved to this day did not end up in the human end, but these civilizations landmarks: the civilization of nations: They are made by Islamic countries of Islam and for the people to raise human affair and strengthen its position among the nations, and this civilization is the All what came out of Islam and the values ​​of humanity sciences, such as a great deal of people, trade, the Islamic conquests and the spread of Islam, and agriculture and other things published by the countries of Islam movement of civilization in a group of countries where Islam was introduced by. Islamic civilization authentic: It is that what came out of Islam and the values ​​of the great things 1,400 years ago and that holds within it the Islamic doctrine and legislation, and the policy and the economy, education, culture and depicting the image of man in this embodied in the form of human belief. Quoted civilization: a civilization in which science the multiple scientific fields, which stopped with stop other civilizations and that Islam came to Hristiha and develops and makes them even the side of the moral side of Islam that seeks to serve humanity, and these civilizations which was the Romanian, Greek, that brought the Islamic mentality that Bdltha be to cool it by the glamor another, making it an independent, Islamic civilization vary differ completely from the rest of civilization because it is emitted from the Islamic faith and to achieve Islamic end, and that its principle first is the reconstruction of the Earth to the satisfaction of God, was the Islamic civilization benefit from the rest of civilizations, which made her her not to them to open the mind recognized and accepted by the rest of civilizations after the expansion of the Islamic civilization after that stretched from the Atlantic to the Gulf.
Manifestations of Islamic civilization and Islamic civilization
Not just only from the religious side, as some believe they covered all the important aspects of human life and the areas in which the Islamic civilization emerged and taught all over the world because of the principles are not found in any other civilization economic side. The political side. The scientific aspect. The social aspect. The legislative and the judicial system. Military and architectural side

Arab peoples

There are many writers who have written about the origin of the Arabs are and where they came from and return to their lineage. Where the origin of the Arabs due to the Prophet Noah peace be upon him, especially his son, "Sam son of Noah," Studies indicate that the Arabs lived in Mesopotamia (Iraq) and then a part of them fled to the Arabian Peninsula and lived in them and named them (Arabs) any "Western", because the symbols adults was losing to speak in lofty language and they speak the eye rather than adults, and that era became known on both fled from Iraq to the Arabian Peninsula "Arabs" the tribes that migrated to the Arabian Peninsula and their name has become Arabs are divided into two parts
First: the extinct Arabs
They were people who returned their area called Ahqaf Ahqaf a desert in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Thamoud people; who inhabited the valley villages, areas located between Hijaz and the Levant (Madain Salih) in the northern region of the Arabian Peninsula. And also TaSeenMeem and Agdis; and who inhabited the area dove in the center of the Arabian Peninsula and the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. And these folks are all extinct before the advent of Islam and also Smao "ancient Arabs".
Second, the remaining Arabs; and are divided into two parts
Arabs Arabh: like Qahtan who lived in Yemen in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and Smiwa Balarbh because they consider the origin of the Arabs and due to the descent in the label to "Sam son of Noah" and back to "express Ben Qahtan bin transient bin Shalikh bin arpachshad bin Sam bin Noah." An example of this tribes donkeys and Kahlan and Ghassanid and Khaza'a and Aws and Khazraj. It is said that they are the first Arabic-language pronunciation of the native language is said to have a skill. Arabs Arabized: descendants of the descendants of Prophet Ismail Allah exalt his mention, and they Adnanites who inhabited the north of the Arabian Peninsula; such as: (harmful), which includes the tribes of Qais and Eilan, who hails them Quraish rates in Mecca, and Rabia; who hails respective rates Bakr and overcome and said that their language The first is the original Syriac of Iraq and then to be together with their language became Arabah.hat novels it says that the combination of Prophet Ismail -alih peace - with his mother and dragged Bakbillete Giants earned him the Arabic language and tongue fluent Arabic in which they outweigh the eloquence and eloquence. It was not pre-Islamic Arabs known history except what they inherited the novel and what was common in their conversations, including what was true and some of which was not true according to the whims of the spokesman of the novel and tournaments As for what it was true stories about Kaaba

Arab civilization

Arab civilization and Arab human civilization, was one of the most important civilizations that brighten the star on earth, and have had a significant impact on the progress in various life sciences, which affected human, was the first step of the findings of the progress now. Prior to the brightness of the Arab civilization, it passed three main stages, namely: - Phase I: - The Citation and translation stage, which prevailed in the Abbasid era. Phase II: - stage to take advantage of these translations and quotations, to generate creativity and innovation. Phase III: - a phase influenced by the West and Arab science, to begin transferring and translating languages ​​for their country, for the intervention of Arab civilization in the global stage, comprehensiveness and accuracy. The first translator movements in the Umayyad period, began the Prince, "Khalid bin Yazid", while some scientists to call (the school of Alexandria) to Damascus, for the transfer and translation of some books of the Greeks in medicine, astronomy and chemistry. Followed by the Umayyad Caliph 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz ", when he issued an order to translate the book" Aharon "of Syriac, and stopped work there to resume his translation after half a century on a broader and more comprehensive scale, the described accomplish that ninth century has occurred in which a qualitative leap in the history of humanity, with the end of the This century the Arabs had internalized all the sciences earlier civilizations, especially the Greek science, Indian, Persian, Coptic and Syriac. Was the successors in those ages significant role in the expansion and evolution of scientific movements and translation on a large scale, as Mansour did when he ordered the translation of Greek books on astrology, medicine, astronomy, and completed his grandson, "Harun al-Rashid" that the march after him, and on a larger scale and more generally. Among the most famous books which have been translated book "Panchatantra", which was translated by months translators a "Muqaffa son" of the associated name is always the name of the book, which was translated throughout history, in addition to several books on medicine and logic, and that work on translated from Persian into Arabic. Thus flourished Translation, Authorship movement and circulation of books among the public on a large scale, and established a role for books everywhere and increase the number of stores that sell books here and there, this has led to the proliferation of scholars, intellectuals and authors, and the most famous (Mohammed bin Ishaq bin al-Nadim), author of the book, which It includes all the books and translations that appeared during the four centuries Hijra, and he called the "index". In addition to authoring and translation movements, early interest in philosophy at the hands of "Canadian appeared" to be the reason for the deployment of free thinking which is built on the philosophy of Aristotle. Turnout Arabs to those exotic and modern dramatically and fast ideas, which led to the emergence of new social and intellectual currents, the first time out of those ideas on the scope of religious thinking, especially in the field of philosophy and logic, which led to the outbreak of unrest, in spite of this, but the those ideas grew and expanded, and penetrated between thinkers and writers, and the most famous "Al-Farabi" which devoted a lot of his works to explain the works of Aristotle wrote as annotations to the proof and rhetoric, followed by the Ibn Sina to work on trying to reconcile religion and philosophical doctrines. Thus flourished and glare light of civilization to reach its peak in Spain at the hands of "Ibn Rushd" to creates contradictory philosophy in effect on the east and west, and finally my personal opinion, not thrive Arab civilization from the force of arms or conquests and expansion of vast areas on the ground, but I went that civilization of character book , adult Kalkhalafa in that period was a high degree of sophistication and intelligence, promote awareness of the importance of command of science and translator of books and writing, and Amilo to take responsibility do those things, and they had that flourished civilization, and shot to broker would, and transmission of the universe of books that have spread in the spree, but today, He demanded science often resort to wash dishes in cafes and restaurants, to work on getting the science that aspires to, and often does not reach, but only arrived in our Arab countries persecuted!

World figures

No doubt there are a lot of personalities that contributed to the change history through many areas of
scientific, practical, political or military, and so on, where there are some characters that have been able through her talents, ideas and knowledge of the work that written in terms name in history, and through the its virtues, who contributed one way or another to make the world better than it was; it is this genius personalities. Mahatma Gandhi and who had been born in 1769 year, and Gandhi was a prominent politician, but perhaps it was a political man most prominent in the world, Gandhi was a father and spiritual leader of India, where he had led civil disobedience set up by the Indians was this civil disobedience against the occupation and British rule, which was his destiny success ultimately, through negotiations conducted by the Gandhi with the British government at the time was that in the year 1947, has been awarded India as a result of negotiations with Gandhi's independence became Mahatma great symbol represents the Popular Resistance in the whole world, and it was Gandhi had been marked by very strong and tolerant way of life based on tolerance, it has been known for excellence and structural ideas that have contributed in the end to make it a great symbol of peace. Bill Gates is William Henry Gates was known William Bill Gates, a man of great American businessman and very famous, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, a founder of Microsoft; has been known about Bill Gates that he had his own industry of large fortune; the PayPal Gates was born in the year 1955; the Bill has created the first programs in the computer world, which was the beginning of the communication to the world of quantum leap, the Bill Gates was able through his knowledge and his work in the field of computer to enter the list of those who have contributed in changing the world and history, as each development witnessed by the world At this time is the product of his effort and his ideas and his work. William Shakespeare: is well-known poet and playwright is very famous, he was named national poet and several other titles; it was William Shakespeare was born in 1564 year, was the Shakespeare of Aloha_khas who possess absolute talent in writing poetry as it is a writing columns in general and writing The play, in particular, then Pham William Shakespeare left a lot of poems, which was carrying mostly with it the love in addition to that he has also written numerous plays, highlighted by the most famous Romeo and Gelet, and it was William Shakespeare had been able to enter many words to English Dictionary, Shakespeare also able to build and develop thinking in many minds as a result of the many brilliant ideas, has contributed significantly to the global change of thought completely was the first that entered the history of this.

The civilization of ancient Egypt

The ancient civilization of Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and that civilization stretching according to some historians to the covenant that the unification of the Egyptian provinces and kingdoms of the north and the south has been the at the hands of King Menes Narmer, and began after that point Zaro Pharaonic dynasties which included many periods long historical and which continued to nearly three thousand years BC, and the dynasties of Pharaonic has passed many important in history stages and transition periods that made Egypt a major imperial in the ancient world, and has included Egypt in cut it to widen land in North Africa are Even Tunisia, and Egypt and Sudan and the territory of the Levant and down to the south of Turkey. Although you have many historians view that the ancient Egyptian civilization do not start from the unification of the two countries only, but is immemorial more, where the signs of Egyptian civilization appear since the stability of the Egyptians on the banks of the Nile and the reconstruction of the valley, and Egypt has old now what known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, and is the last state in the course of the Nile River, and is considered the and Sudan downstream, so the Nile is for her is the main lifeline, and indeed the whole of Egyptian civilization relied on this river and Mcdeth and made him one of the gods goddess in ancient Egypt. And aspects of civilization in ancient Egypt multiple and influenced by many external influences, where Egypt went through a long period of rule by the occupation of the tribes of the Hyksos of the country, and they are the tribes of the commonwealth came from Asia, try the Hyksos imitating the Egyptians, but that made the Egyptians averse them and deal with them as occupiers, and in the religious novels that peace be upon him when he came with his family from Syria to Egypt, and has been a dear Egypt at the time, has equipped them with dining table and called for the elders of the Egyptians at the time, and told that the people of Joseph sat in the place which sits Egyptians, since the ancient Egyptians were dealing with the Jews as an abomination and not valid to eat with them. And there are many monuments which still remain to now and show ancient civilization and fierce in Egypt appearances along its history, and can interested in studying certain aspects of that civilization by to find what are looking for easily.

Camp David Accords

Or what is called the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty! After a setback in 1967, in which Israel completed its control over the whole of Palestine, and the Egyptian Sinai, the Egyptians could not recoverable Sinai, so he Sadat visited the so-called Aasraial, and talk of the Jewish Knesset, to prove the seriousness of Egypt to go into the peace process, and thus be the first Arab leader to visit Israel and announce his confession out. In 1978, Anwar Sadat met with Menachem Begin, Israeli Foreign Minister, in "Camp David" resort in the state) near the capital Alomirkahoashentun, where it was after the signing of a peace agreement between the (Maryland (Egypt and Israel), under the auspices of US President Jimmy Carter
Agreement axes were Miley
Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, according to Resolution 242, and of course this decision has not been implemented. - Work on the development of Egyptian-Israeli relations, has been successfully completed after the signing in 1979, it shows us clearly the depth of these relations to this day. - Seek to reach a comprehensive peace with other Arab countries, specifically the neighborhood, "Jordan, Syria, Lebanon" countries, has been made this the agreements signed later which was provided for in its provisions on the implementation of resolution 242, and prejudice the application of this item always.
Ending the state of war and hostility between the two signatories. - The return of Sinai to Egypt, with the exception of some of the points by the Conservatives. - Crossing entity ships through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Tiran, under Egyptian protection, and to ensure security and peace during her transit!
As for the consequences for the signing of the agreement were as follows
Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize the Zionist entity, to be able later to reap its other Arab confessions. - As a result of this alleged peace both presidents Aelloukaan won the "Nobel Peace Prize". - Relations between the two countries have developed at all levels in particular economic, diplomatic, and enjoy these countries Pthasi relations with European countries and prosperity. - Countries receiving US aid according to the agreement concluded. - Ending the state of war between the two countries, opening the door to peace, and tourism between the two peoples. - The return of the Sinai desert in Egypt's sovereignty oil fields. - And the return of the Palestinian cause, has lost the largest and strongest supporter in the region, namely Egypt. - Egypt was expelled from the Arab League, and its refusal to recognize the Convention (Egypt returned later to the university in 1989, and means recognition implicitly CONVENTION by the Arab states, and the legitimacy of what I did Egypt signed this matter, and therefore the recognition of the entity later. - In the wake of this signature was the assassination of Anwar Sadat